Editing Merge Fields

You can use the Mail Merge Field Editor to edit new and existing merge fields. You can view the template merge fields in the list view and your edit options in the edit pane. You can also remove merge fields from the template by selecting the Remove From Template button on the toolbar.

To edit merge fields

  1. Open the Template Editor.
  2. Click Edit Fields.
    The Infor CRM Mail Merge Field Editor dialog box opens. The template merge fields display in the list view. The list view consists of the following columns:
    • Field - Displays the name of the merge field as it appears in the template and an icon that is associated with the field type.
    • Type - Displays the merge field type. Valid types are: Regular, Outlook Signature, Opportunity Product Table, SQL, and Custom.
    • Position - Displays the numeric position of the field as it appears in the template.
  3. Highlight the merge field you want to edit in the List View.
    Depending upon the merge field type, different edit options will display.
  • Field Identifier - Allows you to change the text that appears in the template. The Field Identifier for a Regular mail merge field consists of the table and the display name. You can only change the display name.
  • Format Type - Allows you to change the type of formatting that is applied to the selected merge field. For example, fixed, integer, percent, or currency.
  • Format String - Allows you to format the value displayed in merge field. You must set the format type before adding a format string. Valid string formats depend on the format type you select.
  • Text Before - Allows you to enter text that will appear before the selected merge field.
  • Text After - Allows you to enter text that will appear after the selected merge field.
  • Special Format - Allows you to apply special character formatting to the merge field (including text that appears before and after a merge field).
  • Table - Displays the table associated with the database field. If the database field is the result of a join, then the caption for this option will read "Main Table".
  • Field - Displays the database field. If the database field is the result of a join, then the caption for this option will read "Key Field".
  • Calculated - Displays whether or not the field is a calculated value.
  • Join - Displays whether or not the field is the result of a database join.
  • Preserve Character Formatting: Allows you to preserve character formatting during a merge.
  • Field Identifier -Allows you to change the text that appears in the template.
  • Field Identifier -Allows you to change the text that appears in the template.
  • Table Format - Allows you to apply formatting to a table field.
  • Options - Allows you to apply properties to a table format.
  • Auto Fit - Allows you to set auto fit properties to the table.
  • Sum Text -Allows you to enter text to be used as a label for the extended price sum
  • of products in the table.
  • Edit Table Columns - Allows you to edit table column captions, width, and alignment.
  • Field Identifier - Allows you to change the text that appears in the template.
  • Field Identifier -Allows you to change the text that appears in the template.
  • SQL - Allows you to enter a SELECT statement to request data from the OLE DB provider.
  • All columns and rows are used to create the table.
  • Format As - Allows you to change the merge field type.
  • Table Format - Allows you to apply formatting to a table field.
  • Options - Allows you to apply properties to a table format.
  • Auto Fit - Allows you to set auto fit properties to the table.
  • Edit Table Columns - Allows you to edit table column captions, width, and alignment.
  • Field Identifier - Allows you to change the text that appears in the template.
  • SQL - Allows you to enter a SELECT statement to request data from the OLE DB provider. Only the record(s) of the first column will display.
  • Format As - Displays the merge field type.
  • Field Identifier - Allows you to change the text that appears in the template.
  • SQL - Allows you to enter a SELECT statement to request data from the OLE DB provider. Only the record(s) of the first column will display.
  • Format As - Displays the merge field type.
  1. Click Apply after making your edits.
  2. When prompted, click Yes to save the changes.

Related Topics

Editing SQL

Deleting Merge Fields

Inserting Special Fields



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

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This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at documentation@infor.com.