Editing Columns

The option to edit columns is recommended for Advanced Users only.

When editing the columns in the Edit Columns dialog box, the column information must be manually entered based on the SQL used. There is no automatic synchronization between the SQL and the column information. If no column information is provided, the columns will be formatted using the default settings and the field names will be used for the column captions. If more columns are defined than are contained in the SQL, then the extra column information will be discarded. If fewer columns are defined than are contained in the SQL, then the remaining columns will be formatted using the default settings but will have no caption.

The Edit Columns dialog box has the following options:

  • Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the end of the list with the following default values:
    • Caption = “Column%d” where %d is the column number
    • Column = %d where %d is the column number
    • Width = 1.00
    • Alignment = (default)
    • Format Type = (none)
    • Format String = empty
  • The Remove Column button removes the selected column from the list.
  • The Move Column Up button moves the selected column one position up. If the column is already in the first position this action has no effect.
  • The Move Column Down button moves the selected column one position down. If the column is already in the last position this action has no effect.
  • The Column Grid is used to display and edit columns. The Caption, Width, Alignment, Format Type, and Format String columns can be edited by clicking in the column and pressing F2.
    • Caption: Represents the text that will be displayed in the first cell of a column.
    • Column: Displays the ordinal position of the column. You cannot edit this column.
    • Width: Represents the width of the column in inches. The default Width is 1.00.
    • Alignment: Represents the alignment of the text in the cell.
    • Format Type: Represents the type of formatting that should be applied to this field.
    • You can choose one of the following from the list: (none), Fixed, Integer, DateTime,
    • Percent, Currency, User, Phone, Owner, and Boolean.
    • Format String: Represents the string that should be used for the selected Format Type.

    The Opportunity Product Table merge field is fixed; columns cannot be moved, added, or removed.

Related Topics

Editing Merge Fields



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

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This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at documentation@infor.com.