Supporting a Multi-Language Environment
Text strings used for controls, such as captions and tool tips, are collected into a resource file to facilitate localization. Installations that support multiple languages have a resource file of translated strings for each language culture. For example, a Infor CRM installation that supports the base culture and German (in Germany) has one resource file for Invariant (the base culture) and one for 'de-DE'. A Web Client user can switch to display the German strings by setting the browser's language preference to 'de-DE'.
If your site is configured to support multiple languages, you can edit captions and other strings in each language.
To localize text strings
- Edit a form with the Web Form Designer.
- Select the Culture from the drop-down list.
Cultures can be added to this list. See the "Adding a Culture to List in Web Form Designer" topic in the Application Architect Help for more information. - Edit control property values that are localizable such as Caption and Tooltip.
- Click
The captions and other localizable strings are saved in the resource file for the current culture.
. - View the form. To see the localized captions, change the language preference setting of your browser.
What are Forms, Views, Controls, and Data Fields?