Supporting a Multi-Language Environment

Text strings used for controls, such as captions and tool tips, are collected into a resource file to facilitate localization. Installations that support multiple languages have a resource file of translated strings for each language culture. For example, a Infor CRM installation that supports the base culture and German (in Germany) has one resource file for Invariant (the base culture) and one for 'de-DE'. A Web Client user can switch to display the German strings by setting the browser's language preference to 'de-DE'.

If your site is configured to support multiple languages, you can edit captions and other strings in each language.

To localize text strings

  1. Edit a form with the Web Form Designer.
  2. Select the Culture from the drop-down list.
    Cultures can be added to this list. See the "Adding a Culture to List in Web Form Designer" topic in the Application Architect Help for more information.
  3. Edit control property values that are localizable such as Caption and Tooltip.
  4. Click SaveClosed.
    The captions and other localizable strings are saved in the resource file for the current culture.
  5. View the form. To see the localized captions, change the language preference setting of your browser.

Related Topics

Working with Forms

What are Forms, Views, Controls, and Data Fields?



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