Adding or Editing Asset

You can add a new asset to or edit the list of assets associated with .

Your security access determines what functions are available. Contact your administrator for any access rights changes. WebViewer users may not access full functionality.

To add

  1. Open the Account Detail view.
  2. Click the Assets tab. If the tab is not visible, click the More Tabs tab.
  3. Click the Add AssetClosed button.
  4. Complete the required asset information boxes.
  5. Click OK.
    The asset appears in the product list for that account.

To edit

  1. On the Account Detail view, select the Assets tab.
  2. On the Assets tab, do one of the following:
    • Click Edit, edit the asset information boxes and click OK.
    • Select the record you want to edit, make your changes in the grid, and then click SaveClosed. To undo your changes, click ResetClosed before you click Save.

      Not all columns can be edited in the grid. To determine if a column can be edited, click in the grid. If a white box appears, then the column can be edited.

Related Topics

Deleting an Asset from



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

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This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at