Completing an Activity from the Menu

You may complete a regularly scheduled activity or create and then complete an unscheduled activity. An unscheduled activity is an activity that was not scheduled prior to completion.

When you complete an activity, details about it are recorded on the Notes/History tab for the related account, contact, opportunity, or lead.

To complete a scheduled activity

  1. On the Schedule menu, select Complete an Activity.
  2. Select the Contact or Lead option.
  3. Depending on your selection in step 2, click the FindClosed button next to the appropriate box(es) (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity or Ticket), and use the Find dialog box to locate the appropriate record.

    To remove a Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity or Ticket from the activity, click the RemoveClosed button next to the appropriate box.

  4. Select the Complete a Scheduled Activity option , and then click the Complete next to the activity you want to complete.
    Sort the list by clicking a column heading. To change the direction of the sort, click the column heading again.

To complete an unscheduled activity

  1. On the Schedule menu, select Complete an Activity.
  2. Select the Contact or Lead option.Depending on your selection, click the FindClosed button next to the appropriate box(es) (Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity or Ticket), and use the Find dialog box to locate the appropriate record.

    To remove a Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity or Ticket from the activity, click the DeleteClosed button next to the appropriate box.

  3. Select the Create a New Unscheduled Activity to Complete option.
  4. Select Phone Call, Meeting, or To-Do, and then click Continue.
  5. In the Regarding box, click the drop-down arrow and select an item from the list.

Go To

The next step to complete the activity.

Related Topics

Activity Overview




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This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at

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For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.