Searching for Information

Use SpeedSearch to set up your search criteria and start a search. How you set up the search criteria determines how and where SpeedSearch locates items matching the keywords you enter.

To search for information

  1. Open SpeedSearch.
  2. In the Keywords box, type the word(s) you want to locate.
    • Use a question mark (?) to replace a single unknown character.
    • Use an asterisk (*) to replace an unknown number of characters in a keyword.
    • Use an equal sign (=) to replace a single unknown number.
  3. Click Search, or click Advanced to see more options, and then continue with the steps below.
    The Advanced search options remember your settings from your last SpeedSearch.
  4. If necessary, change the Search MethodClosed.
    • Match on all words (AND) – The search only locates items containing all of the keywords but they do not have to appear together in the record/document. The search ignores words like "and", "the", and "a".
    • Match on any word (OR) – The search locates items containing at least one of the keywords you entered.
    • Match the exact phrase – The search only locates items containing all of the keywords appearing together exactly as you entered them in the Keywords box.
    • Boolean (AND, OR, NOT) – The search uses straight search logic to locate items containing the keywords; words like "and", "the", and "a" are included if you type them in the Keywords box.
    • Natural Language – If you type a sentence in the Keywords box and this option is selected, the search interprets the sentence to determine which keywords to locate. Natural language searches may take longer than other searches.
  5. If necessary, select any of the searchClosed options.
    • Root – The search looks for root words in addition to any keywords you entered containing prefixes, suffixes, or alternate verb forms. (For example, if you entered "printing" it would also search for "print".)
    • Thesaurus – The search looks for synonyms in addition to the keywords you entered. (For example, if you entered "customer", it would also search for "client".)
    • Sounds Like – The search looks for words that sound similar to the keywords you entered. (For example, if you entered "Smith", it would also search for "Smythe".)

      If you use the Match the exact phrase search method and any of the three options: Root, Thesaurus or Sounds Like, there is a possibility that the search may return more records than you intended. In order to find specific records, use large phrases with more descriptive words and clear the three check box options.

  6. In the Maximum Results box, click the drop-down arrow and select an option from the list.
  7. In the Look In area, select the types of records to include in the search, such as tickets, documents, and so on.
    The Infor CRM system administrator controls which items appear in this list.
  8. If necessary, set the Filter By options to narrow the search.
  9. Click Search.
    SpeedSearch displays a list of the search results. When you click the Preview link of an item in the list, it the detailed information displays below the list of results.

Related Topics

SpeedSearch Overview




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This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at

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For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.