Adding a Competitor to the List

The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

You can add competitors to the competitors list. This list is available to all users when adding or editing opportunity competitors.

To add

  1. On the Administration menu, click New Competitor.

The Insert Competitor dialog box opens.

  1. Complete the competitor boxes:
  • Competitor - Enter the competitor's name.
  • Account - Click the FindClosed button and select using the lookup.
  • Contact - Click the FindClosed button and select a contact using the lookup. The default is the primary contact for the selected account.
  • Phone - If necessary, enter the competitor's phone number.
  • Web Address - Enter the competitor's Web address.
  • Rating - Enter the competitor's rating.
  • Weaknesses - Enter the competitor's weaknesses.
  • Strengths - Enter the competitor's strengths.
  • Strategy - Enter the sales strategy that the competitor uses.
  • Notes - Enter any notes about the competitor.
  1. Click SaveClosed.

Related Topics

Using the Competitor List View

Using the Competitor Detail view

Deleting a Competitor from the List



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

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This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at