Lead Information Boxes

The following table describes the default information boxes.


Box Description/Action
Name Lead’s full name. Click the Edit button to open the Edit Name dialog box and make changes using this dialog box.
Company Lead's company name.
Web Web address for the lead. Click in the box, and type any changes. To open the lead's Web site, click the WWWClosed button.
Title Lead’s title within the company. Click the drop-down arrow and select an item from the list.

Address or location of the lead. Click the FindClosed button to open the Edit Address dialog box.

To view a map of the address, click the MapClosed button. If Contour integration is enabled and configured it will open a map using the Contour provider. If a provider is not configured then the address will open in MapQuest..

Industry The industry to which the lead belongs. Click the drop-down arrow and select an item from the list.
SIC Code Standard Industrial Classification Code of the company.
Comments Type any additional notes about the lead.
E-mail Lead’s e-mail address.Click in the box and type any changes. To send an e-mail message to the lead, click the E-mailClosed button.
Phone Lead’s telephone number. Click in the box and type any changes.
Toll Free Lead’s toll free telephone number. Click in the box and type any changes.
Business Description Type a description of the lead's business.
Interested in List the leads's interests or hobbies.
Lead Source How the lead was generated.
Owner Person or team within your organization that has access to the lead. Click the FindClosed button to find the user or team within your organization that has access to the lead.

Related Topics

Leads Overview

Adding a Lead

Editing a Lead

Qualifying a Lead

Using the Lead Detail View



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

Contact us:

This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at documentation@infor.com.