Updating Currency

After you change the conversion rates for currencies, you should update all open opportunities, sales orders, and quotes using those currencies. All currencies that you have changed will be updated in the relevant record types. If a record type's rate has been locked, then it is not updated.

This feature may not be available on all list views or for all users.

To update currency for one or more record types

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Administration, and then click Exchange Rates to open the Exchange Rates list view.
  2. Use the Using the Exchange Rate Detail view to update the Conversion Rate for each currency you want to update.
  3. View the group or lookup results that contain the records you want to update.
  4. Select one or more records. To select more than one record, hold down [Ctrl] or [Shift], and highlight the records.

    If you do not select any records, you will be asked if all records in the group should be used. If you click Yes, all group records will be selected.

  5. In the Task Pane, click Update Exchange Rate.
  6. In the Update Currency dialog box select one or more of the following:
    • Sales Orders - Any open sales order that is using a currency that was edited will be updated.
    • Opportunities - Any open opportunity that is using a currency that was edited, and is not locked, will be updated.
    • Quotes - Any open quote that is using a currency that was edited will be updated.
  7. Click OK.

Related Topics

Adding an Exchange Rate



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

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This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at documentation@infor.com.