Using the Run/Schedule Job Dialog Box

The Run/Schedule Job dialog box enables you to set labels and parameters for the job type you are scheduling. The options available may vary depending on the job selected and the location from which you opened the dialog box.


Name Action
Job Name Automatically fills with the name of the job. Not editable
Description Auto-fills with the current description of the job. Click in this box and type in any necessary edits.

Shows the type of schedule. Not editable when opened from the Job Manager Schedules tab.

  • Run Now runs the job immediately.
  • Scheduled Execution displays options for running the job at a later time, and for recurrence.
Create Job Schedule to run

Set a time and recurrence for your job.

  • Use the pick lists to modify the time when the job is executed.
  • Use Run from/to to specify dates to start and end the job recurrence.

Not all jobs require parameters. If parameters have been assigned, you can edit the parameter values by selecting the row in the grid and typing in the Value column.

Some job types require have required parameters to run successfully. For example, Export requires a Group ID.

Note: parameters are an advanced developer function.

Related Topics

Using the Job Manager List View

Using the Schedules tab to modify and/or delete job schedules

Using the Definitions tab to select from Pre-defined jobs

Using the Executions tab to view and cancel jobs in progress



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

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