Integrations Resources Tab

Use the Resources tab to view integration-specific resource definitions and behavior. Resources define what information is mapped between Infor CRM and the integration contract. From this tab you can see whether a resource is enabled to synchronize for the integration and in what direction information is synchronized.

The Resources tab is only available for integrations with a synchronization method of client-side sync or server sync.

How Do I?

Edit a resource

This view contains the following columns:

  • Edit - Click the Edit link to open the Edit Resource dialog and edit the resource.
  • Resource - Name of the resource in the integration contract.
  • Sync Direction - Direction in which information is synchronized.
    • 1-way from Infor CRM - Data synchronizes from Infor CRM to Microsoft Outlook only.
    • 1-way to Infor CRM - Data synchronizes from Microsoft Outlook to Infor CRM only.
    • 2-way synchronization - Data synchronizes to and from Infor CRM and Microsoft Outlook.
  • Enabled - Checked if synchronization is enabled for the resource.
  • Modify User - The user who last modified the resource.
  • Modify Date - The date when the resource was last modified.
  • Conflict Resolution - Determines which changes are kept when the same data is edited in both Infor CRM and Microsoft Outlook during the same synchronization cycle.
    • Integration Wins - The change made in Microsoft Outlook is kept and will synchronize to Infor CRM.
    • Infor CRM wins - The change made in Infor CRM is kept and will synchronize to Microsoft Outlook.
    • Latest change wins - The most recent change is kept and will synchronize to either Infor CRM or Microsoft Outlook.



What's New in this Release


For a list of new features, see the What's New In This Release topic.

Contact us:

This documentation was developed by Infor CRM User Assistance. For content revisions, questions, or comments, contact the Infor CRM writers at