Setting Up Cross Reference Values

Use the Cross Referencing form to set up cross references between barcode values. These cross references automatically convert one barcode value to another when the initial value is scanned. For example, assume you regularly receive a part from a vendor with the vendor's barcode value of ABC, while that same part is recognized in your system as part XYZ. You can create a cross reference between the values ABC and XYZ, so that any time the value ABC is scanned, it will be read as XYZ.

  1. Open the Cross Referencing form.
  2. To set up a new cross reference code type, click New or select a blank line from the grid at the left. To modify an existing cross reference code type, select it from the grid.
  3. Specify or review this information:
    Xref Code Type
    Specify a name for the cross reference code type. If you are modifying an existing cross reference code type, this field is read only.
    Specify a description for the cross reference code type.
    Type Priority
    Specify a number, 1 through 999, to determine the priority for searching for this cross reference code type. For example, specify 1 to search for this code type first when a barcode is scanned.
  4. In the Xref Values grid, define cross references for this cross reference code type. To define a cross reference, select a blank or existing line in the grid and specify this information:
    Xref Field Type
    Specify a field type: C (customer), I (item), or V (vendor).
    Xref Field Value In
    Specify a value, such as an item number, that will be scanned.
    Xref Field Value Out
    Specify an alternate value, such as an item number, to which to convert the scanned value.
  5. Click Save.
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