Overviews and Procedures
This module includes topics that describe Infor Factory Track features and how to use them.
- What's New in this Version of Infor Factory Track
- About the Privacy Utility
- About Infor Factory Track
- Accessing Shop Floor and Warehouse Mobility Transactions
- Configuring Barcodes
- Data Replication Overview
- Device Tracking Overview
- Label Printing Overview
- Parameters Overview
- Teams Overview
- Using the Label Print Summary Form
- Factory Track Groups
- Factory Track License Modules
- Label Printing Transactions List
- Adding and Modifying Devices
- Assigning Actions to Function Keys
- Configuring an Employee for Kiosk Access
- Configuring Break In/Out Parameters
- Configuring Build Container Parameters
- Configuring Clock In/Out Parameters
- Configuring Container Inquiry Parameter
- Configuring Cross Docking Parameters
- Configuring Customer Order Picking Parameters
- Configuring Customer Order Shipping Parameters
- Configuring Cycle Count Parameters
- Configuring Cycle Verify Parameters
- Configuring Employee Records
- Configuring Empty Container Parameters
- Configuring End Run, End Run Only, End Machine, End Team Run, Job Move, Join/Leave Team and Team Member Reporting Parameters
- Configuring End Team Run, Start Team Run, Team Maintenance, and Team Member Reporting Parameters
- Configuring Global Parameters
- Configuring Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration Parameters
- Configuring Item Container Parameters
- Configuring Job Booking Parameters
- Configuring Job Material Issue Parameters
- Configuring Job Material Issue Parameters
- Configuring Job Material Return Parameters
- Configuring Job Material UnIssue Parameters
- Configuring Job Receipt Parameters
- Configuring Job Receipt Parameters
- Configuring Just-In-Time Production Parameters
- Configuring Just-In-Time Production Parameters
- Configuring Kanban Delivery Parameters
- Configuring Kanban Label Printing Parameters
- Configuring Kanban Receipt Parameters
- Configuring Kanban Pick Parameters
- Configuring Kanban Request Parameters
- Configuring Label Printing Connections
- Configuring Label Printing Settings for Transactions
- Configuring Labor Reporting Parameters
- Configuring Labor Reporting Parameters
- Configuring Location Inquiry Parameters
- Configuring Lunch In/Out Parameters
- Configuring Miscellaneous Issue Parameters
- Configuring Miscellaneous Receipt Parameters
- Configuring Multi-Site Move Parameters
- Configuring Physical Inventory By Sheet Parameters
- Configuring Physical Inventory By Tag Parameters
- Configuring Pick and Ship Parameters
- Configuring PPS Packing Parameters
- Configuring PPS Pick Confirm Parameters
- Configuring PPS Picking Parameters
- Configuring PPS Shipping Parameters
- Configuring Printers
- Configuring Production Schedule Receipt Parameters
- Configuring Production Schedule Reporting Parameters
- Configuring Project Material Parameters
- Configuring Purchase Order Receipt Parameters
- Configuring Putaway Parameters
- Configuring QCS Disposition Parameters
- Configuring Quantity Adjustments Parameters
- Configuring QCS Test Results Parameters
- Configuring SF Kanban JIT Replenishment Parameters
- Configuring Site Parameters
- Configuring SRO Material Parameters
- Configuring Start Project Labor and End Project Labor Parameters
- Configuring Start Service Labor, End Service Labor, and SRO Material Parameters
- Configuring Stock Move Parameters
- Configuring Tasks
- Configuring Transfer Order Receipt Parameters
- Configuring Transfer Order Shipping Parameters
- Configuring Team Transaction Parameters
- Configuring TT Integration Transaction Parameters
- Configuring User Parameters
- Configuring Warehouse Parameters
- Configuring Warehouse-Specific Transaction Settings
- Configuring Warehouse Mobility ClockIn/Out Parameters
- Configuring Warehouse Mobility LunchIn/Out Parameters
- Configuring Warehouse Mobility Time and Attendance Parameters
- Configuring WIP Move Parameters
- Configuring Work Center Machine Time Parameters
- Configuring Work Center Material Issue Parameters
- Configuring Work Center Material Issue Parameters
- Configuring Work Center Parameters
- Configuring WorkCenter Status Parameters
- Configuring WorkCenter UI Parameters
- Configuring Workset Maintenance Parameters
- Creating and Modifying Global Parameters
- Creating and Modifying Transaction Parameters
- Creating and Modifying User Parameters
- Creating Badges
- Defining a Factory track User Role
- Defining Data Domains
- Defining Device Types
- Defining Label Formats
- Defining Transactions
- Deleting Devices
- Issuing and Returning Devices Using the Device Allocation Form
- Issuing and Returning Devices Using the Device Allocation Transaction
- Menu Management Overview
- Modifying Badges
- Moving materials using stock move
- Processing Flow
- Processing Label Print Utility
- Re-printing Labels
- Reporting Devices as Lost, Found, Broken, and Fixed
- Setting Up Barcode Prefixes
- Setting Up Cross Reference Values
- Setting Up Label Printing
- Specifying Alternate Labels
- Using Barcode IDs
- Using Transaction Field Scan Mapping
- Using Teams in Shop Floor
- Using Teams in Time Track
- Using Scan Formats
- Viewing Device Information
- Viewing Device Usage and Availability
- Viewing Printed Label Records
- Working with resource group and resource filtering
Parent topic: Infor Factory Track