Processing Flow

The processing flow consists of three steps:

  • Download data from the ERP into the temporary staging records
  • Populate additional fields (as per default record) into staged record and

    Update the Factory Track Database

The figure provides the overview of the process:


The update consists of multiple parts (one per record type). Each part has three phases:

  1. The first phase is to download the needed data fields from the ERP into the staged records.
    1. The synchronization control record is updated to use a new batch number.
    2. As each new record set is started, an update control record is built for that batch, and record type.
    3. The data is now downloaded from the ERP and is stored into the staging records.
  2. Next, the second phase is initiated.
    1. In this phase each of the staged records is updated to include the fields which is not populated from the ERP. This is done using the default record.
    2. After all records are updated, the third phase of processing starts.
  3. In the third phase the Factory Track database is updated (when possible).
    1. Using the key of the staged record, try to find the FactoryTrack master record.
    2. If the record is not found (Add):
      • The process tries to store the record based on whether all required fields are provided.
      • If one or more fields are not provided, the record is marked as Error, and the count updated.
      • If the record is successfully stored, the New Record count is updated.
    3. If the record is found (Update):
      • For each field which is updateable, the program checks if the field has changed value.
      • The default record determines which fields are updateable (update flag).
      • The fields not present on the default record are not updateable.
      • After the fields are compared, if any data change occurred, the record database record can be updated.
  4. After all the records are checked and updated, the header record can be updated.