Infor Factory Track (SL) – Help
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Infor Factory Track
Overviews and Procedures
What's New in this Version of Infor Factory Track
About the Privacy Utility
About Infor Factory Track
Accessing Shop Floor and Warehouse Mobility Transactions
Configuring Barcodes
Data Replication Overview
Device Tracking Overview
Label Printing Overview
Parameters Overview
Teams Overview
Using the Label Print Summary Form
Factory Track Groups
Factory Track License Modules
Label Printing Transactions List
Adding and Modifying Devices
Assigning Actions to Function Keys
Configuring an Employee for Kiosk Access
Configuring Break In/Out Parameters
Configuring Build Container Parameters
Configuring Clock In/Out Parameters
Configuring Container Inquiry Parameter
Configuring Cross Docking Parameters
Configuring Customer Order Picking Parameters
Configuring Customer Order Shipping Parameters
Configuring Cycle Count Parameters
Configuring Cycle Verify Parameters
Configuring Employee Records
Configuring Empty Container Parameters
Configuring End Run, End Run Only, End Machine, End Team Run, Job Move, Join/Leave Team and Team Member Reporting Parameters
Configuring End Team Run, Start Team Run, Team Maintenance, and Team Member Reporting Parameters
Configuring Global Parameters
Configuring Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration Parameters
Configuring Item Container Parameters
Configuring Job Booking Parameters
Configuring Job Material Issue Parameters
Configuring Job Material Issue Parameters
Configuring Job Material Return Parameters
Configuring Job Material UnIssue Parameters
Configuring Job Receipt Parameters
Configuring Job Receipt Parameters
Configuring Just-In-Time Production Parameters
Configuring Just-In-Time Production Parameters
Configuring Kanban Delivery Parameters
Configuring Kanban Label Printing Parameters
Configuring Kanban Receipt Parameters
Configuring Kanban Pick Parameters
Configuring Kanban Request Parameters
Configuring Label Printing Connections
Configuring Label Printing Settings for Transactions
Configuring Labor Reporting Parameters
Configuring Labor Reporting Parameters
Configuring Location Inquiry Parameters
Configuring Lunch In/Out Parameters
Configuring Miscellaneous Issue Parameters
Configuring Miscellaneous Receipt Parameters
Configuring Multi-Site Move Parameters
Configuring Physical Inventory By Sheet Parameters
Configuring Physical Inventory By Tag Parameters
Configuring Pick and Ship Parameters
Configuring PPS Packing Parameters
Configuring PPS Pick Confirm Parameters
Configuring PPS Picking Parameters
Configuring PPS Shipping Parameters
Configuring Printers
Configuring Production Schedule Receipt Parameters
Configuring Production Schedule Reporting Parameters
Configuring Project Material Parameters
Configuring Purchase Order Receipt Parameters
Configuring Putaway Parameters
Configuring QCS Disposition Parameters
Configuring Quantity Adjustments Parameters
Configuring QCS Test Results Parameters
Configuring SF Kanban JIT Replenishment Parameters
Configuring Site Parameters
Configuring SRO Material Parameters
Configuring Start Project Labor and End Project Labor Parameters
Configuring Start Service Labor, End Service Labor, and SRO Material Parameters
Configuring Stock Move Parameters
Configuring Tasks
Configuring Transfer Order Receipt Parameters
Configuring Transfer Order Shipping Parameters
Configuring Team Transaction Parameters
Configuring TT Integration Transaction Parameters
Configuring User Parameters
Configuring Warehouse Parameters
Configuring Warehouse-Specific Transaction Settings
Configuring Warehouse Mobility ClockIn/Out Parameters
Configuring Warehouse Mobility LunchIn/Out Parameters
Configuring Warehouse Mobility Time and Attendance Parameters
Configuring WIP Move Parameters
Configuring Work Center Machine Time Parameters
Configuring Work Center Material Issue Parameters
Configuring Work Center Material Issue Parameters
Configuring Work Center Parameters
Configuring WorkCenter Status Parameters
Configuring WorkCenter UI Parameters
Configuring Workset Maintenance Parameters
Creating and Modifying Global Parameters
Creating and Modifying Transaction Parameters
Creating and Modifying User Parameters
Creating Badges
Defining a Factory track User Role
Defining Data Domains
Defining Device Types
Defining Label Formats
Defining Transactions
Deleting Devices
Issuing and Returning Devices Using the Device Allocation Form
Issuing and Returning Devices Using the Device Allocation Transaction
Menu Management Overview
Modifying Badges
Moving materials using stock move
Processing Flow
Processing Label Print Utility
Re-printing Labels
Reporting Devices as Lost, Found, Broken, and Fixed
Setting Up Barcode Prefixes
Setting Up Cross Reference Values
Setting Up Label Printing
Specifying Alternate Labels
Using Barcode IDs
Using Transaction Field Scan Mapping
Using Teams in Shop Floor
Using Teams in Time Track
Using Scan Formats
Viewing Device Information
Viewing Device Usage and Availability
Viewing Printed Label Records
Working with resource group and resource filtering
Infor Shop Floor
Infor Time Track Module
Infor Warehouse Mobility
Configuring Item Inquiry Transaction Parameters
Issuing and Returning Devices
Working with Tile Forms
Lunch In/Out
Configuring TT Time and Attendance Transaction Parameters
Defining the Label Formats
Adding Additional Fields to Barcode Labels
License Module Concurrent User Counts
Clocking Out for Lunch
Viewing Multi Data Barcode configuration
Printing Warehouse Receipt Labels
Configuring Work Center Status Parameters
Clocking In from a Break
Re-printing Labels
Open the Label Print Summary form.
To define label search criteria, specify some or all of this information:
Transaction Name
Select the transaction for which the label was originally printed.
User ID
Specify the user ID of the person who originally printed the label.
Request ID
To search for a label by its request ID, specify a starting and ending request ID. A request ID is recorded for each label
that is printed.
Create Date
To search for a label by the date it was created, specify a starting and ending date.
Click Search . The label request IDs that match the search criteria specified above are listed in the grid.
Optionally, to re-print a label request ID, select it from the grid and click Reprint . All labels associated with that label request ID are printed.
Optionally, to print an individual label on a label request ID, right-click the request ID and select Details . The Label Print Details form is displayed. On this form, select a label and click Print . The label is printed.