Creating and Modifying Global Parameters

Use the Global Parameters Setup form to create and modify parameter options that will affect all Infor Factory Track transactions. Administrators can configure these parameters on the Global Parameters form to customize the application.

Caution:  Only programmers who are authorized to customize your application should use the Global Parameters Setup form. Changes made to this form can cause your application to function incorrectly.
  1. Open the Global Parameters Setup form.
  2. If you are creating a new parameter, click New or select a blank line on the grid. If you are modifying an existing parameter, select it from the grid.
  3. Specify or review this information:
    ERP Type
    Select the ERP to which this parameter applies. If you are modifying an existing parameter, this field is unavailable.
    Global Param Name
    Specify a name for the parameter. If you are modifying an existing parameter, this field is unavailable.
    Global Param Type
    Select a parameter type: String, Boolean, or Numeric.
    Global Param Value
    Optionally, specify a default value for this field. Leave blank to require users to specify the value.
    Specify a description for the parameter.
    End User Description
    Optionally, specify a description to use for end users.
    Parameter Parent
    Optionally, specify a parent parameter. A parameter is only visible if its parent parameter is enabled.
    Parameter Sequence
    Optionally, specify a sequence number to determine where this parameter should be displayed in the parameter list. If you do not specify sequence numbers for parameters, they are displayed alphabetically.
  4. Click Save.
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