Using the Work Center Navigation Home Form

Use the Work Center Navigation Home Page form to navigate to other forms or perform actions, such as clocking out for breaks. All forms or actions that a typical employee needs to use on the shop floor are available from this central navigation form. You can configure this form to open automatically for certain employees when they log into Infor Shop Floor. For more information see Setting Up Forms to Load Automatically.

To use the Work Center Navigation Home form:

  1. Log into the application using your user name and password. If your user account is configured in the application explorer to auto run the Work Center Navigation Home form, the form is displayed. If it is not displayed, open the Work Center Navigation Home form.
  2. In the field marked with a person icon near the top of the form, specify your employee ID number. This number may be specified by default.
  3. In the field marked with a factory icon near the top of the form, select a work center. Your work center may be specified by default.
  4. Optionally, specify a date and time to record for time and Attendance transactions. The current date and time is specified by default. You can only modify the date and time if Infor Time Track is implemented and your user ID has the appropriate authorizations on the User Extensions form.
  5. To display the available menu buttons, select one of the categories on the left side of the form. The Time and Attendance category is only available if Infor Time Track is implemented.
  6. Select a menu button. The buttons that are available are determined by your user authorizations. These buttons are available by default for the listed categories:

Time and Attendance

Clocking In

Clocking Out

Lunch In/Out

Employee Home Page - Employee Time Off Requests

Break In/Out

Employee Home Page - Time Sheet Summary


Job Material Issue

Job Material Return

Job Move

Job Receipt

Just-In-Time Production

Production Schedule Receipt

SRO Material

Visual Serial Assignment

Work Center Material Issue


End Indirect

End Machine

End Project Labor

End Run

End Run Only

End Service Labor

End Setup

End Team Run

Join Team

Start Indirect

Start Machine

Start Project Labor

Start Run

Start Service Labor

Start Setup

Start Team Run

Team Maintenance

Team Member Reporting

Work Center

Workset Maintenance


Generate Kanban Replenishment Orders

Kanban JIT Replenishment

Kanban Label Printing

Kanban Pick List

Kanban Receipt

Kanban Staging

Replenishment Requests

Replenishment Status

Staged Items Report


Build Container

Container Inquiry


Empty Container

Job Status

Label Printing

Label Reprint

Resource Group Skills Management

Visual Dispatch

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