Viewing Detailed Job Information
Use the Visual Dispatch form to view detailed information about jobs, including the status of operations, material details, and related transactions.
To view detailed job information:
- Open the Visual Dispatch form.
Specify some or all of this information:
- Resource Group
- Specify a resource group.
- Job
- Specify a job number.
To execute the search, select the green process button. All job operations that meet the specified search criteria are displayed
in the Job Summary grid. This information is displayed for each job operation:
- Crew: number of resources assigned to the operation
- Type: type of resources assigned to the operation
- Job
- Item
- Suffix
- Operation
- Op. Start: operation start date
- Op. End: operation end date
- Control Point
- Backflush: whether backflushed hours are for Labor, Machine, Both, or Neither
- Job Start: job start date
- Job End: job end date
- Received: quantity released to the job
- Completed: quantity completed for the job
- Scrapped: quantity scrapped for the job
- To clear the criteria fields, select Clear.
To view additional information about a job, select a job from the Job Summary grid. The status of each operation associated
with the job is displayed on the Operations tab. This information is displayed for each operation:
- Operation
- Work Center
- Description
- Qty Received
- Qty Complete
- Qty Scrapped
- Qty Moved
- Control Point
- Backflush: whether backflushed hours are for Labor , Machine, Both, or Neither
- Op. Start: operation start date
- Op. End: operation end date
- Actual Setup Hrs
- Actual Run Hrs
- Actual Machine Hrs
Optionally, to view details about materials for the selected job, select the Materials tab. This information is displayed for each material type associated with the job:
- Seq
- Material
- Description
- Backflush: whether backflushed hours are for Labor, Machine, or Both
- Type : material type
- Qty on Hand
- Qty Required
- Per
- Job Qty
- Qty Issued
- Remaining Qty
Optionally, to view information about all transactions associated with the selected job, select the Job Transactions tab. This information is displayed for each transaction:
- Date
- Type : transaction type
- Employee
- Shift
- Qty Complete
- Qty Moved
- Qty Scrapped
- To Location
- Reason
- Lot
- Hours
- Status
Optionally, to view information about all transactions associated with the materials for selected job, select the Material Transactions tab. This information is displayed for each transaction:
- Date and Time
- Type: transaction type
- Item
- Description
- Quantity
- Item U/M
- Lot
- Warehouse
- Location
- Issued To
- Suffix
- Operation
Parent topic: Overviews and Procedures
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