Managing Resource Group Skills Requirements

Use the Resource Group Skills Management form to define skills requirements for labor type resource groups. If a job operation references a resource group, only employees who meet the defined skills requirements for that resource group will be able to work on that job operation.

  1. Open the Resource Group Skills Management form.
  2. Select a resource group.
  3. To add skills to the requirements for this resource group, specify this information:
    Select a skill.
    Select an effective date for the skill requirements.
    Optionally, select a date at which the skill requirements will expire. Leave blank to keep this skill requirements in place indefinitely.
  4. To add the skill requirement to the resource group, select the add button.
  5. To remove skills from the requirements for this resource group, select a skill from the grid and select the remove button.
  6. To save your changes to the skill requirements for this resource group, select the green process button.
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