Performing Inventory Disposition for Inspected Items
Use the QCS Disposition form to perform inventory disposition at an inspection location. As part of this transaction, you can transfer items to standard inventory locations, hold items at the inspection location, and destroy items.
- Open the QCS Disposition form.
Specify this information:
- Rcvr
- Specify a receiver. You can use a customer, supplier, or WIP tag as a receiver.
- Ord Type
- Select an order type.
Note: The default value of the field is set to Supplier.
- Inspector
- Specify an inspector.
- Accept Documentation
- Select this check box if there is inspection documentation for the receiver.
On the Accepted tab, specify this information:
- Qty
- Specify a quantity to accept.
- Reason
- Select a reason code for the accepted quantity. This field is only displayed if you accepted a quantity greater than zero.
- Disp Code
- Specify a new disposition for the accepted quantity. This field is only displayed if you accepted a quantity greater than zero.
- To Location
- If applicable, specify an inventory location to which to move the items. This field is only displayed if you are moving items to inventory.
- Issue Reason Code
- If applicable, specify an issue reason code. This field is only displayed if you are destroying items.
- Document
- If applicable, specify a document number. This field is only displayed if you are destroying items or moving items to inventory.
- Un-Assigned
- The number of unassigned serial numbers is displayed. If applicable, select the arrow button on this field to assign serial numbers. See Assigning Serial Numbers for details. You must assign all unassigned serial numbers to complete the transaction.
On the Rejected tab, specify this information:
- Qty
- Specify a quantity to reject.
- Reason
- Select a reason code for the rejected quantity. This field is only displayed if you rejected a quantity greater than zero.
- Disp Code
- Specify a new disposition for the rejected quantity. This field is only displayed if you rejected a quantity greater than zero.
- Issue Reason Code
- If applicable, specify an issue reason code. This field is only displayed if you are destroying items.
- Document
- If applicable, specify a document number. This field is only displayed if you are destroying items.
- Cause
- Specify a cause for the rejection. This field is only displayed if you rejected a quantity greater than zero.
- Un-Assigned
- The number of unassigned serial numbers is displayed. If applicable, select the arrow button on this field to assign serial numbers. See Assigning Serial Numbers for details. You must assign all unassigned serial numbers to complete the transaction.
On the Qc Hold tab, specify or review this information:
- Qty
- Specify a quantity to hold at the inspection location.
- Reason
- Select a reason code for the held quantity. This field is only displayed if you held a quantity greater than zero.
- New MRR
- Specify whether to generate a new MRR number. This field is only displayed if you held a quantity greater than zero.
- To Location
- The holding location is displayed. This field is only displayed if you held a quantity greater than zero.
- Document
- If applicable, specify a document number. This field is only displayed if you held a quantity greater than zero.
- Un-Assigned
- The number of unassigned serial numbers is displayed. If applicable, select the arrow button on this field to assign serial numbers. See Assigning Serial Numbers for details. You must assign all unassigned serial numbers to complete the transaction.
- To report the new inventory dispositions, select the green process button. To close the form reporting any new inventory dispositions, select the Close button.
- If the Print Labels parameter is selected on the Transaction Settings form, labels are automatically printed or the Label Printing form is opened. See Printing Labels for information about printing labels using the Label Printing form.
Parent topic: Overviews and Procedures
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