Using the Work Center UI Form

An employee can use the Work Center form to perform day-to-day labor activities. This form can be configured to open automatically for certain employees when logging into Infor Shop Floor. For more information see Setting Up Forms to Load Automatically. There are two different sets of buttons for this form: one for workset-enabled employees and one for non-workset-enabled employees. The appropriate set of buttons configuration are displayed depending on the configuration of the employee type.

The name of the employee who opened the form is displayed at the top of the form. The employee can use the field marked with a factory icon to select a work center. The work center associated with the employee ID that is selected by default.

The Job List tab shows the operations that are ready to start for the selected work center. The employee can sort and filter the jobs that appear in this list using the options on the Filter/Sort tab. This information is displayed for each job:

  • job number
  • job suffix
  • operation number
  • item number
  • item description
  • total quantity
  • quantity completed
  • quantity scrapped
  • Work Center
  • Resource Group
  • Resource
  • Slack Time
  • Sch

The Work Center functionality is enhanced to display jobs that are scheduled or processed by Syteline scheduler. The filter/ sort tab on the work center UI is enhanced to enable the filtering and sorting of job data by the selected Resource Group or Resource.

The Res Group and Resource fields allow the employee to set the filter for the data displayed in the Job list tab. Selecting a resource group or resource and clicking the By Res Group or By Resource buttons, filters the job list. If the Resource Interval parameter is specified, all the jobs scheduled at a future date in this interval are displayed. If this parameter is unchecked, all the scheduled jobs are displayed. This functionality is similar to Dispatch Interval parameter on the Syteline Sequencing forms.

Use the By Resource Group button to display the jobs for the Resource Group selected in the header.

Use the By Resourcebutton to display the jobs for the Resource selected in the header.
Note:  If no Resource Group or Resource is selected, no jobs are displayed.

Use the Apply Filter/Sort by WC button to display the jobs for the work center specified in the header.

The employee can sort and filter the jobs using these options on the Filter/Sort tab:

  • The resource group and resource buttons allow the employee to filter the data displayed in the Job list tab. All the jobs for the selected resource group or resource must be displayed.
  • The Scheduled jobs filter displays the jobs that are scheduled in Syteline.
  • Res Sequence Sort option is added to Sort Options which sorts the jobs-related data by the scheduler sequence (The same order/sequence use on the SL resource sequencing form).

The Project Labor tab shows the project tasks that are ready for labor reporting for the selected work center. This information is displayed for each service order:

  • project number
  • project start date
  • customer name
  • project type

The Project Labor tab is only displayed if the Show Project Labor Tab parameter is selected for the Work Center UI form.

The Service Labor tab shows the service orders that are ready for labor reporting for the selected work center. This information is displayed for each service order:

  • service order number
  • line number
  • operation number
  • customer name
  • partner

The Service Labor tab is only displayed if the Show Service Labor Tab parameter is selected for the Work Center UI form.

The PS / JIT tab shows the Just-In-Time production orders or production schedules that are ready for labor reporting for the selected work center. This information is displayed for each Just-In-Time production order and production schedule:

  • due date
  • order or production schedule number
  • operation or schedule number
  • item number
  • item description
  • total quantity
  • quantity completed
  • quantity scrapped

The Active Transactions tab shows the operations, tasks, activities, and service orders on which you are currently working. The employee can perform labor activities by selecting operations, tasks, and activities from the Job List tab, Service Labor tab, or Active Transactions tab and selecting an activity button on the right side of the form. These buttons are enabled or disabled based upon the selection.

  • If the Enable Start Run on Select parameter is selected for this form, the user must double click a row on the Job List, or Project, or Service, or PS/JIT tabs to perform a start run.
  • On the Active tab, the user must double click a row to perform a stop.
  • A workset employee can add the job to the workset, by double clicking the selected job without opening the Workset Maintenance form.

If the Work Center Popup Enabled parameter is selected for this form, a separate form will open when the employee selects an action button. You can then perform the desired action on the newly opened form. For example, if you select an operation and click Add Run, the Workset Maintenance form is opened, allowing you to add the operation to your workset using that form.

If the Work Center Popup Enabled parameter is cleared, most actions listed in the Tasks section or Workset section will be performed directly from the Work Center form. For example, if the employee selects an operation and click Add Run, the operation is added to the employee's workset without displaying an additional form.

You can use the Work Center form to perform these activities:

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