Adding Items to Containers

Use the Build Container form to add items to containers.

Note: You can only use the Build Container form if you do not have the Time Track module implemented.

The warehouse mobility icon based menu and list based menu comprises of the Move it. Build Container is listed as a transaction under the Move it.

On the Move it module to add items to a container:

  1. Select Build Container.
  2. Specify or review this information:
    Scan a container.
    If you are adding items to a new container, select the warehouse where the container is located. If you are adding items to an existing container, the warehouse is displayed.
    If you are adding items to a new container, scan the location of the container. If you are adding items to an existing container, the location of the container is displayed.
    Scan an item to add to the container. The item description is displayed.
    The available quantity of items is displayed.
    Specify the quantity to place in the container.
  3. If applicable, select a lot number on the Lot/Serial tab.
  4. If applicable, specify the lot number in the Confirm Lot field.
  5. If applicable, the quantity of serial numbers that have not been specified are displayed in the Un-Assigned field on the Lot/Serial tab. To specify the serial numbers of the items you are adding to the container, select the arrow button. See Assigning Serial Numbers for details.  You must specify all unassigned serial numbers to add the items.
  6. To add the specified item quantity to the container, select the green process button. If this form is configured to print labels, labels are automatically printed or the Label Printing form is opened. See Printing Labels for information about printing labels using the Label Printing form
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