Issuing Material to Service Orders

Use the SRO Material form to issue material to service orders.

  1. Open the SRO Material form.
  2. Specify or review this information:
    Partner ID
    Specify a partner number.
    Specify a service order to which to issue material.
    Select an order line.
    Select an operation.
    Scan the item number of the material you are issuing.
    Customer Item
    If applicable, the customer item number is displayed.
    Specify the warehouse from which to issue the item.
    Select a location from which to issue the material. A location is recommended by default.
    Specify a quantity to issue.
    The unit of measure is displayed.
    Bill Code
    If applicable, specify a bill code. This field is only available if the Allow Bill Code Entry parameter is selected for this transaction.
    Unit Price
    If applicable, specify a unit price. This field is only available if the Allow Unit Price Entry parameter is selected for this transaction.
  3. If applicable, select a lot number on the Lot/Serial tab.
  4. If applicable, specify the lot number in the Confirm Lot field.
  5. If applicable, the quantity of serial numbers that have not been assigned are displayed in the Un-Assigned field on the Lot/Serial tab. To assign serial numbers to the material you are issuing, select the arrow button. See Assigning Serial Numbers for details.  You must assign all unassigned serial numbers to issue the material.
  6. Select Issue Material.
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