Printing Labels

Use the Label Printing form to print barcode labels for items being moved to inventory. The Print Labels transaction parameter must be selected to open the Label Printing form. The Label Printing form opens when you perform a transaction using a form that supports label printing.

  1. On the parent form, select the green process button to complete the transaction and open the Label Printing form. The Label Printing form will only open if items are being moved to inventory by the transaction.
    Note: If the Print Quiet Mode parameter is selected for the parent transaction, labels will automatically print without opening the Printing Labels form.
  2. Specify or review this information:
    Select a printer. This field is only available for your first label quantity entry. The initial value is saved for additional label quantity entries.
    Label Per Box
    Specify the number of labels to print for each box. This field is only available for your first label quantity entry. The initial value is saved for additional label quantity entries.
    Qty Remaining
    The number of remaining labels to be printed is displayed.
    Number of Boxes
    Specify the number of boxes for which to print labels.
    Qty Per Box
    Specify how many items are in each box.
    Number of Labels
    The number of labels you are printing is displayed. This value equals the number of boxes multiplied by the number of labels per box.
  3. To save the current label quantity for printing and to specify additional label quantities, select Next. Saved label quantities are displayed in the grid. You can clear all saved label quantities by selecting Clear. To specify additional label quantities, return to step 2. When you specify additional label quantities, the Printer and Label Per Box fields are read only.
  4. When the quantity of remaining labels to print is zero, select the green process button to print the labels.
  5. To close the form, select the Close button.
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