Configuring Employee Types

Configure employee types to define parameters for employees with similar needs. You must define payroll schedules on the Payroll Schedules form before you can configure employee types.

  1. Open the Employee Types form.
  2. Initiate the new record process.
  3. Specify this information:
    Employee Type
    This is a required field. The value you specify is the code that other Time Track forms and programs uses to refer to this employee type.
    Specify a brief description of the employee type.
    Payroll Schedule
    Select from the list of defined payroll schedules. This is a required field, so payroll schedules must be defined before you can configure employee types. The selected Payroll Schedule is the only link between operations and payroll activities in Time Track.
  4. On the General tab, specify this information:
    Default ABS Code
    Specify a default employee absence code. When you click the Generate Absence icon on the Hours Summary form (the A Icon) an absence is generated matching the code you specify here. If this value is left blank, the absence record will be created without an absence code, so the record will go into Exception status. Use the pulldown menu on this field to see a list of active absence codes.
    Labor Posting to ERP
    Specify when or whether labor hours will post to the underlying ERP. The default value is Real Time, which posts labor when a job stops, when an hour's record is processed, or when you click Save. After Processing posts hours only when an hour's record is processed. Do Not Post never posts recorded hours to the underlying ERP.
    Process to Payroll
    Select this option to forward captured hours to payroll. When this option is selected, processing of hours in the Hours Summary and Detail creates Payroll Detail records.
    Remarks Mandatory
    Select this option to require users to enter a remark before any modified record can be saved.
    Use Absence Approval System
    Select to require supervisor approval for absence requests.
    Elapsed Time Data Capture
    Select to record elapsed time hours rather than clocked hours.
    Stop Only Transaction
    This parameter is displayed only if an employee is not configured for Elapsed Time Data Capture. Select this check box to only require jobs to be stopped. When a job is stopped, a job start transaction is generated to occur immediately following the prior transaction. For example, if you clock in at 8:00 and stop job ABC at 9:00, a start job transaction for job ABC is generated at 8:00. Then, if you stop job XYZ at 11:00, a start job transaction for job XYZ is generated at 9:00. Clocking out will stop the current job.
    Combine Labor and Machine Time
    Select this option to report machine time automatically as a ratio of labor time. Clear this option to only report labor.
    Use Attendance Point System Parameter
    This field is used to activate the parameters for configuring the Attendance Point System. The Attendance Points System assigns point values to absence hours and work rule violations. Point value thresholds are defined and organized into Tracks. When an employee’s point values cross threshold the supervisor is prompted and notified of the corrective action that is to be performed. Multiple Tracks can be configured to monitor attendance issues with various levels of severity.
    Allow Signature After Processing
    If this check box is selected, both the employee and supervisor can sign the hours at any time, before processing, after processing or after payroll processing. The parameter is applicable for both Clocked and Elapsed time employee types. Signatures entered after processing do not update submitted or processed fields.
    Prompt for Employee Signature Before Processing
    If the check box is selected, the supervisor receives a prompt when processing hours without an employee's signature. Both the Approve and Process fields are defaulted with the processor's signature and the Employee signoff field remains blank.
    Attendance Posting To ERP
    If the check box is selected, attendance transactions (clock in, clock out, lunch/break in, lunch/break out) are posted to ERP when the report date they occur on, is processed. If the field is not selected, only labor and absence hours are posted to ERP.
  5. On the Punch Parameters tab, specify this information:
    Clock In Rules
    Defines adjustments and tolerances that are applied to attendance transactions.
    Grace Time
    Specify a grace period before or after the scheduled clock-in, clock-out, lunch/break punch-out, and lunch/break punch-in times. Grace times are expressed in minutes and represent the amount of time for which a variance from the scheduled punch event will be accepted without an error. Punches that occur within the grace period will be adjusted to the scheduled in or out time. Punches that occur outside the grace period will not adjust and will go into an exception status. The Error Code field in the Hours Detail form explains the exceptions.
    Specify a period outside of the grace period where punches are accepted without triggering an adjustment or exception. Tolerances are expressed in minutes. Punches that occur outside of the grace period but within the tolerance period are not adjusted or put into exception status. Punches that occur outside the tolerance period does not adjust and goes into an exception status. The Error Code field in the Hours Detail form explains the exception.
    Remarks Required
    Each Tolerance field has a corresponding check box labeled, “Remarks Required.” When the check box is left blank no remark is required to authorize a punch outside of the tolerance. When the field is checked, the user will need to enter a remark before they will be allowed to authorize the exception on the punch.
    Job/Indirect Tasks
    Defines transaction automation designed to facilitate the capture of labor hours.
    Auto Stop Clock Out
    Select this option to automatically stop the employee€™s running job when they clock out.
    Auto Start Clock In
    When this option is selected, a job that was automatically stopped on the previous clock out will be restarted.
    Auto Stop Lunch/Break Stop
    Select this option to automatically stop the employee€™s running job when they clock out for a lunch or a break. When this option is cleared and a running job exists when a clock out is attempted, the user will be prompted to close the running job before attempting to clock out.
    Auto Start Lunch/Break Start
    When this option is selected, a job that was automatically stopped on the previous clock out for a lunch or a break will be restarted when clocking back in. When this option is cleared, no job will be started when clocking in from a lunch or break.
    Max Auto Adjustment Between Jobs
    Specify the maximum duration that a job start may be adjusted back to eliminate a gap in labor activity. This parameter is used to eliminate gaps between attendance transactions or to eliminate gaps between the current job start and the last job stop. If the time gap is larger than the value specified, then no adjustment will occur, and the unaccounted-for time will create a booking error (B status) for the record. The format is HHMM and the default value is 0 (zero minutes).
    ERP Fill Code
    Specify the indirect task used when you click Gap Fill on the Hours Summary form or Hours Detail form. This task must be a valid task as defined on the tasks form.
    Max Gap Without Exception
    Specify the maximum length of time a gap record may have without generating an exception. Gap records with durations less than the value in this field will be accepted without exception. The format is HHMM and the default value is 0 (zero minutes).
    Auto Fill Gaps
    Select this option to automatically fill all gaps.
    Defines parameters related to the application of overtime rules:
    Authorize OT Required
    Select to put Hours Summary records that are greater than the specified shift day into Exception status. If this check box is cleared, the Authorized OT and Double time is added to the standard shift day to determine the threshold for hours worked in a day before putting the record into Exception status.
    Complete Week Required For
    If there is no requirement that a complete week be worked in order to receive the Work Code specified in the Shift for hours entered on Non-Working days, leave this field blank or selectNone. If there is no complete week requirement for overtime, but there is a requirement for double time, select Double Time. If there is a requirement for overtime and double time, select Both. When a Complete Week is required but not met the workcodes specified in this form are applied to the hours clocked on the non-working days. There are two sets of parameters, one for the Weekly OT methods and the other for the Daily and Weekly OT methods. When a complete week is met the workcodes specified in the employee’s shift are applied to hours worked on non-working days.
    Complete Week Not Met For OT
    Specify the workcode to use on non-working days when the complete week requirement for overtime is not met. If the complete week requirement is met, hours clocked on non-working days will use the workcode specified for the shift.
    Complete Week Not Met for DT
    Specify the workcode to use on non-working days when the complete week requirement for double time is not met. If the complete week requirement is met, hours clocked on non-working days will use the workcode specified for the shift.
    Daily and Weekly OT
    In the Daily and Weekly OT method, overtime is determined by the number of hours worked during each shift day. When a complete week is worked, usually the overtime and double time thresholds are lower on the non-working days. However, if a complete week is not met, the non-working days use standard thresholds or thresholds that are higher than those specified for the shift. The Daily and Weekly parameters are stated in HHMM format.
    Complete Week Not Met for Reg
    Specify the number of regular hours to be worked in a day before hours are categorized as overtime, if a complete week is not worked. For a dynamic shift, these are the first hours worked. For a static shift, these are the first hours worked after the shift start.
    Complete Week Not Met for OT
    Specify the number of overtime hours in a day that can be worked before hours are categorized as Double time.
    Complete Week Not Met for DT
    Specify the number of double time hours that can be worked before the report date is put into Exception status for too many hours worked.
    Complete Week Not Met for OT Before Shift
    This field is only applicable when the employee is assigned to a Static Shift that is using a Daily or Daily and Weekly OT Method. Configure this field only if hours are booked against shifts that are Static AND contain a Daily component in the OT Method. Specify the number of OT hours to authorize prior to shift start.
    Complete Week Not Met for DT Before Shift
    This field is only applicable when the employee is assigned to a Static Shift that is using a Daily or Daily and Weekly OT Method. Configure this field only if hours are booked against shifts that are Static AND contain a Daily component in the OT Method. Specify the number of DT hours to authorize prior to start of OT Before Shift. Hours entered prior to this threshold triggers an exception for working too many hours on a report date.
    Rounding Parameters
    Defines rules for rounding entries that occur outside of defined start and end times. Grace period adjustments and Rounding Parameters should be configured to evenly integrate with one another. If this is not done conflicts in the configuration may cause the adjustments or rounding to occur incorrectly.
    Punch Types to Round
    Specify whether to round punches or not. If you leave blank, no rounding occurs. If you specify Attendance, In and Out transactions that occur outside of the periods defined in the Grace and Tolerance Matrix will round per the other parameters defined in the Punch Rounding section. If you specify Attendance and Labor, job starts and stops are rounded in addition to the attendance transaction rounding.
    Punch Rounding Intervals
    Specify the desired rounding increment. For example, if you set this parameter to 5, punches are rounded to 5-minute times. The value must be a whole integer that is a factor of an hour (60 minutes). Allowable values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30.
    In Punch Rounding Interval Split
    Specify the point in the interval at which punching in will round up versus down. A value of 0 will round everything down, while 1 will round everything up. A value of 3 in a 10-minute interval will round punches of 1 and 2 minutes into the interval down, and punches starting with 3 minutes into the interval up.
    Out Punch Rounding Interval Split
    Specify the point in the interval at which punching out will round up versus down. A value of 0 will round everything down, while 1 will round everything up. A value of 3 in a 10-minute interval will round punches of 1 and 2 minutes into the interval down, and punches starting with 3 minutes into the interval up.

    Adjust Forward Clock Ins After Grace, Adjust Backward Clock Outs Before Grace, Adjust Forward Lunch/Break Ins After Grace, and Adjust Backward Lunch/Break Outs Before Grace: These parameters are all stated in HHMM. These parameters define an additional penalty for punches that occur outside the Grace/Tolerance period. These parameters are considered clock-in rules and take precedent over any rounding rules. Rounding rules take effect on any punches that occur after the adjustments made by these parameters.

    For example, the Adjust Forward Clock Ins After Grace value adjusts the clock-in to the nearest specified increment if an employee clocks in later than the tolerance for the grace period. Consider an example in which a shift begins at 8:00 with a grace period of 5 minutes, tolerance of 10 and an Adjust Forward Clocks Ins After Grace value of 15. If an employee clocks in at 8:11, Time Track adjusts the clock-in to 8:15.

  6. The Holidays tab contains parameters that define how Holiday Absence Hours and Clocked Hours on a Holiday are to be treated.
    Holiday ABS Code
    Specify a default holiday absence code. This is the absence code that will be generated when the A icon is used for a holiday report date or when the Holiday Generator is run. Only codes that are configured as Holiday ABS types may be entered on Holiday Report Dates.
    Use Holiday Calendar
    If the check box is selected, the Holiday Calendar is used to specify which report dates are Holiday Report Dates. .
    Report Date Adjustment
    Holidays may be configured with a Report Date Adjustment of Previous or Next. If this parameter is selected and the employee is on a shift where the Holiday Report Date falls on a Non-Working Day, the holiday is moved to the Next or Previous Work Day. If the Holiday is configured with a Report Date Adjustment of None, regardless of the setting of this parameter the Holiday is not moved. If this parameter is cleared, irrespective of the Holiday configuration, the Holiday is not moved. The direction of the offset is defined in the holiday report date configuration.
    Check Holiday Eligibility
    If this parameter is selected the previous scheduled work day is checked to determine if a full day was worked. If a full day was worked, the holiday absence is generated and put into a Ready status. If a full day was not worked, the holiday absence will go into an exception status. If you clear this option, no check of the previous work day will be performed.
    Allow Clock In
    Select to allow clock ins on holiday report dates and to display the Clocked Hours On A Holiday portion of the Holiday Tab.
    Clocked Hours On Holiday OT Eligible
    Select to count clocked hours on a holiday towards the Overtime Thresholds specified in the employee’s shift configuration.
    Clocked Hours Work Code
    If you specify Regular, Overtime, or Double Time, this sets how the hours categorize regardless of where they occur or how many hours there are for the week.  If you specify OT Eligible, clocked hours on a holiday will categorize per the OT Method specified in the employee’s shift configuration.
    Regular Hrs, Overtime Hrs, Double Time Hrs
    Configure this field only if hours are booked against shifts that contain a Daily component in the OT Method. Specify the number of Regular, Overtime and Double time hours to authorize using the HHMM format.
    Overtime Before Shift and Double Time Before shift
    Configure this field only if hours are booked against Static shift types that contain a Daily component in the OT Method. Specify the number of Overtime Before Shift and Double Time Before Shift to authorize using the HHMM format.
    Premium Codes - Regular, OT, DT, OT Before Shift and DT Before Shift
    When premiums are applied to Clocked Hours on a Holiday, specify the premium code for each hours type.
    Include Clocked Hrs with Non-Hol Clocked Hrs
    Select Include Clocked Hrs with Non-Hol Clocked Hrs to display hours clocked on a holiday in payroll along with hours clocked on non-holiday report dates. If this option is not selected, payroll ID fields appear for each work code and hours will appear separately in payroll.

    If you clear the Include Clocked Hrs with Non-Hol Clocked Hrs option, specify values in each Payroll Code field. These values will serve as the identifier of the hours type in payroll. These values will appear adjacent to the clocked hours on a holiday in the payroll extract.

  7. Quantities Tab. The quantities parameters specify how quantity reporting is executed in the Real Time Transaction form, Elapsed Detail and Dashboard Transaction forms. The parameters are active for all Time Track integrations. On the Quantities tab specify this information:
    Allow Quantity Reporting
    The field is selected by default. If Allow Quantity Reporting parameter is selected, the Real Time Transaction form allows all currently implemented quantity reporting features. If Allow Quantity Reporting parameter is cleared all quantity reporting and reject fields are not displayed on the Real Time Transaction form. The Open Quantity field is displayed irrespective of this setting.
    • In SL Integrations, if this parameter is selected on the Quantity Tab (Allow Rejected Quantities, Allow Out of Sequence Reporting, Restrict Qty, Complete to Qty Received and Allow Operation Complete) fields are active and displayed.
    • In LN Integrations, If this parameter is selected the primary parameters on the Quantity Tab (Allow Rejected Quantities and Allow Operation Complete) fields are active and displayed.
    • For both integrations, if this parameter is cleared the primary and secondary parameters are not displayed.
    Allow Rejected Quantities
    If this parameter is selected the reject field is displayed on the transaction forms and entry is accepted.
    Use Reason Code for Rejected Quantity
    This field is implemented for LN integration only. The field is not displayed in SL integrations. If the parameter field is selected, a reason code must accompany rejected quantities. If the parameter field is cleared, the reason code is not specified for reporting the rejected quantity.
    • To post the rejected quantity in LN without using a reason code, LN must be configured to accept such requests.
    • If LN is not configured to accept the rejected quantity transaction without a reason code, the transaction remains incomplete and is updated with a booking error status in TT.
    Allow Out of Sequence
    In Syteline, this parameter provides the user, the ability to move the quantity to the selected operations not in a sequential order. This parameter also works on the same functionality in Time Track. If the parameter field is selected, the user is allowed to move quantities to any open operation in the routing. This check box is displayed for SL integrations only.
    Restrict Qty Complete to Qty Received
    Syteline does not require that quantities be moved to an operation in order to report completions at that Operation. If the parameter field is cleared, TimeTrack allows the same. If the parameter field is selected, Time Track does not allow the user to complete an operation by moving more quantities to the operation. However, the user is not allowed to move quantities from an operation sequence to another one to set the operation status to complete.
    • This field is displayed, only if Allow Quantity Reporting parameter is selected.
    • This check box is displayed for SL integration parameters only.
    Allow Complete operations
    If this field is selected the Complete Operation and Complete All Operation check boxes are displayed on the RealtimeTransaction.TS and are editable. If this field is cleared the Complete Operation and Complete All Operation check boxes are not displayed on the RealtimeTransaction.TS.
    Default Operation Complete
    If this parameter is selected the Complete Operation field is automatically selected, when the completed and the rejected quantity results in zero open balances at the operation. For SL integrations all completed quantities are moved from the operation to automatically set the operation to complete. The quantity completed remains the same as to the open quantity, with no quantity to move out of the operation.If this parameter is cleared the Complete Operation field is not automatically updated.
    Note: This field is displayed, only if the Allow Complete Operation parameter is selected
  8. Workset tab. An employee is designated as a Workset employee based on their employee record. A Workset employee is one that is allowed to book to multiple labor activities at the same time. The grouping of these labor activities is referred to as a Workset. The time spent on activities within a Workset are prorated based on the setting of the parameters on this tab. If labor and machine reporting are combined a separate parameter is provided to specify how machine time should be prorated.
    Labor Proration
    Specify how to divide labor between multiple jobs on a workset:
    • Straight: Labor is divided evenly among all jobs. For example, if a workset has three jobs and is run for 120 minutes, 40 minutes of labor will be allocated to each job.
    • Run Time: Time is allocated to jobs based on their run time. A job run time is either its run duration (hours/pieces) multiplied by its released quantity, the setup time is added to this number if the Include Setup in Runtime check box is selected, or its fixed schedule duration. To determine the percentage of the total time to allocate to each job on a workset, this equation is used: workset run duration X (job run time / total run time of all jobs on the workset). For example, a workset has three jobs: Job A, Job B, and Job C with runtimes of 60 minutes (Job A), 30 minutes (Job B), and 15 minutes (Job C). This workset is run for 120 minutes, so 69 minutes is allocated to Job A (120 min X (60 min / 105 min)), 34 minutes is allocated to Job B (120 min X (30 min / 105 min)), and 17 minutes is allocated to Job C (120 min X (15 min / 105 min)).
    • Planned Quantity: Time is allocated to jobs based on their planned quantities. To determine the percentage of the total time to allocate to each job on a workset, this equation is used: workset run duration X (planned quantity of the job / total planned quantity of all jobs on the workset). For example, a workset has three jobs: Job A, Job B, and Job C with planned quantities of 100 pieces (Job A), 50 pieces (Job B), and 25 pieces (Job C). This workset is run for 120 minutes, so 69 minutes is allocated to Job A (120 min X (100 pieces / 175 pieces)), 34 minutes is allocated to Job B (120 min X (50 pieces / 175 pieces)), and 17 minutes is allocated to Job C (120 min X (25 pieces / 175 pieces)).
    Machine Proration
    Specify how to divide labor between machines used for multiple jobs on a workset: Machine proration is slightly different than Labor proration. Where labor proration applies the proration to each job in the workset, machine proration only prorates time on machines that have multiple jobs from the workset running on them. The examples below illustrate this point.
    Note: If you specify a machine ratio for a machine, the ratio will be applied after the proration method has been calculated. For example, if 60 minutes are allocated to a machine based on the proration method, and the machine has a machine ratio of .75, the final time allocation to the machine will be 45 minutes.
    • Straight: Time is allocated to each machine used. If a single machine is used for more than one job on the workset, the time for that machine is allocated evenly among those jobs. For example, if a workset has three jobs, two that use Machine A and one that uses Machine B, and that workset is run for 120 minutes, 120 minutes (60 minutes for each job) will be allocated to Machine A and 120 minutes will be allocated to Machine B.
    • Run Time: Time is allocated to each machine used. If a single machine is used for more than one job on the workset, the time for that machine is based upon the individual run times of those jobs. A job run time is either its run duration (hours/pieces) multiplied by its released quantity, the setup time is added to this number if the Include Setup in Runtime check box is selected, or its fixed schedule duration. To determine the percentage of the total run duration of the workset that is allocated to a machine used for multiple jobs, the run time of each individual job is divided by the total run time of all jobs using that machine. For example, a workset has three jobs, two that use Machine A and one that uses Machine B. The two jobs that use Machine A have run times of 60 minutes and 30 minutes for a total of 90 minutes. The job that uses Machine B has a run time of 15 minutes. The workset is run for 120 minutes. 120 minutes will be allocated to Machine A: 80 minutes for Job A (120 min X (60 min / 90 min)) and 40 minutes for Job B (120 min X (30 min / 90 min)). 120 minutes will be allocated to Machine B (120 min X (15 min / 15 min)).
    • Planned Quantity: Time is allocated to each machine used. If a single machine is used for more than one job on the workset, the time for that machine is based upon the planned quantities of those jobs. To determine the percentage of the total run duration of the workset that is allocated to a machine used for multiple jobs, the planned quantity of each individual job is divided by the total planned quantity of all jobs using that machine. For example, a workset has three jobs, two that use Machine A and one that uses Machine B. The two jobs that use Machine A have planned quantities of 100 pieces and 50 pieces for a total of 150 pieces. The job that uses Machine B has a planned quantity of 25 pieces. The workset is run for 120 minutes. 120 minutes will be allocated to Machine A: 80 minutes for Job A (120 min X (100 pieces / 150 pieces)) and 40 minutes for Job B (120 min X (50 pieces / 150 pieces)). 120 minutes will be allocated to Machine B (120 min X (25 pieces / 25 pieces)).
    • Labor Dependent: Time is allocated to each machine based on the number of jobs on the workset and how many of them use that machine. Time is distributed evenly to each job on the workset and to the machines used for those jobs. For example, if a workset has three jobs, two that use Machine A and one that uses Machine B, and that workset is run for 120 minutes, 80 minutes (40 minutes for each job) will be allocated to Machine A and 40 minutes will be allocated to Machine B.
    • None: All machines are allocated the full time. For example, if a workset has three jobs, two that use Machine A and one that uses Machine B, and that workset is run for 120 minutes, 120 minutes will be allocated to each machine.
    Include Setup in Runtime
    This field is only displayed if Run Time is selected in the Labor Proration or Machine Proration fields. Select this check box to include setup time when calculated the run time for a job.
  9. The Attendance Points and the Attendance Threshold tabs are enabled if the Use Attendance Point System Parameter is selected in the General tab.
    Attendance Points Tab
    This tab is used to define the characteristics of the Attendance Points System:
    • measurement period
    • use of partial incidents
    • threshold for partial incidents
    • use of incident forgiveness
    • use of incident notices

    On the tab specify the following information:

    Measurement Period
    There are two scenarios for defining a measurement period. This field can be set to Rolling 12 or Tracking Year.
    • Rolling 12: When rolling 12 is selected as the measurement period the application evaluates the Incident Table for the period starting at the current report date less 365 up until the current report date(Measurement Period =(Today-365) to Today) to determine the employees Attendance Incident total.
    • Tracking Year: Tracking Year measurement period compares the incident report date with the records in the emp_time_off_group_change table. The tracking year scenario to set the beginning and ending of the measurement period. This method extends the tracking year concepts developed for the Absence Request system to the Attendance Point System.
    Use Incident Threshold
    This field can be set to Yes or No. The default for this field is No An incident is a violation of a clock in rule (that is; Exception or X) or absence hours associated with an Incident absence code.
    • When set to No, the full value of an incident is applied irrespective of the incident’s time length.
    • When this field is set to No, the partial incident configuration fields is disabled.
    • The Partial X Incident Duration is used to define the partial incident threshold for clock in rule violations.
    • For Incident ABS Types Partial Incident Duration is defined on the Absence code configuration form.
    • When the field is set to Yes, incidents with a duration less than the Partial Incident Duration parameter applies the partial incident value. Incidents with durations greater than the Partial Incident Duration parameter applies the full value of the incident.
    • The format for these fields on both the Employee Type and Absence form is HHMM.
    Partial X Incident Duration
    This field is enabled when the Use Incident Threshold field is set to Yes. This field is applicable for Exceptions Incidents only. Exception Incident values are defined in the Incident value section of the Attendance Points tab.
    Allow Incident Forgiveness
    This field can be set to Yes or No. The default setting is No.
    • When set to Yes, an incident’s point value is nullified by forgiving the incident during incident processing.
    • Forgive icons are available on the hours summary and detail forms for both Clocked and Elapsed employee types.
      1. When invoked from hour summary form, all incidents associated with the selected summary records is set to Forgiven status.
        • The Status of the incident on the Employee Absence Tracking Form is updated to Forgiven.
          Note: For Weekly Elapsed employees, when the Forgiven icon is invoked from a hour Summary form all incidents in the selected work week is set to Forgiven status.
    • On the hours detail forms forgiveness is performed on both the Global or on the Specific records.
      1. Global Forgiveness occurs when no detail records are selected within the selected report date
      2. Specific Forgiveness occurs when a detail record is selected within the selected report date.
        1. For weekly elapsed employees, global forgiveness has all the incidents in the selected work week set to forgive status.
    • An incident is set to forgiven status at any time before or after Hours Processing or Payroll Processing.
    • Forgiven incidents do not count for Perfect Attendance.
    Generate Incident Notices
    Disciplinary notices include emails and prompts messages that notify the users when a disciplinary threshold is crossed. This field can be set to Yes or No. The default setting is No. When this field is set to Y, with the Incidents with email is also set to Y and the Reminders have a value which is not equal to None, then the user receives emails and or prompts messages. Notices are generated when an ABS record is created or an exception occurs that causes the incident value to exceed the threshold of a tracked level.
    Incident Values
    Incidents are variances from the clock in rules defined in shift configuration. The values are displayed in the Hours Summary and Detail forms as Exceptions, X. This section specifies the full and partial values the Attendance Points System assigns to each type of exception.
    Track Names
    A Track is a set of rules that specifies the type of transactions for tracking by the Attendance Points system and the actions is performed when an employee’s point totals exceed defined points thresholds. There is provision to define multiple Tracks to specify separate tracks for attendance events of various level of severity.
    • Track Name: Defines the name of the set of rules a series of points thresholds refers to.
    • Sequence: Defines the sort order of track thresholds. When threshold of multiple tracks is crossed by the same incident this value is used to determine the process to handle generation of prompts.
    • ABS Incident: Absence codes can be configured using the Incident Absent Type that helps in the increment for an Employee’s incident value. When this field is set to Yes ABS hours associated with Incident Absence Types helps for the increment of the employee’s incident total while processing. When the field is set to No this type of ABS hour are omitted from the employee’s attendance points tracking.
    • Exception Incident: When this field is set to Y any attendance transaction that generates an exception with an Incident Value helps for the increment of the employee’s total incident value. When it is set to No this type of ABS hour are omitted from the employee’s attendance points tracking.
    • NoCallNoShow Incident: This is an Absence Type. ABS hours associated with this Absence Type are deemed to be a more serious infraction of the attendance policy. When the field is set to Yes, this absence type is tracked. When the field is set to No this type of abs hour are omitted from the employee’s attendance points tracking.
    • Threshold Basis: This parameter defines the process of incident values' accumulation. The alternatives are Sum or Count. When the field is set to sum, incident values are summed to determine the employee’s Total Incident Value. When the field is set to Count the occurrences of incidents are counted to determine progress towards the Track’s incident thresholds.
    • Process Notices: When Generate Notices is set to Yes and a threshold is crossed that requires an action, the user receives a reminder prompt message till the time the user acknowledges the incident by setting the status to complete on the Employee Absence Tracking form.
    • Default Track: Several forms in TimeTrack display an employee’s status within a Track and the related Total Incident Value. When there are multiple tracks defined, this parameter designates the required track to display. The forms that display the employee’s Default Track are EmployeeAbsenceRequest.TS, EmployeeAbsenceRequest (Non-Touch Screen), Employee-Absence Tab and EmployeeAbsenceTracking.
  10. The Attendance Threshold tab is used to define the points thresholds and actions required when an employee’s total incident value crosses a threshold. For each Track a sequence of thresholds are defined. At each threshold, you can specify the action that is performed, whether or not to generate an email to the supervisor, on which events to prompt the supervisor that an action must be processed and the text to use in the prompts message.

    Disciplinary Notice Threshold Configuration

    Disciplinary Notice Threshold Configuration defines the levels and level thresholds for each track defined in Track Names. Thresholds are the break points where incident values move an employee from one Level to the next level. Levels may specify actions the supervisor takes. Generally, the action specified increase in severity as the level increases.

    Any Track defined in Track Names appears in the pulldown list for this field. Select the Track Name of the specified the threshold. A threshold can be for only 1 track.
    Levels categorize incident totals. As an employee’s total incident value increases the employee is moved to higher levels. The lowest level is Perfect attendance. Perfect attendance is generally defined as a Total Incident Value that is equal to 0. The Perfect level is followed by Level 0 through Level 15.
    Incident Value, Threshold and Days
    The combination of Incident Value, Threshold and Days defines the threshold for that level.
    • Incident Value is the Total Incident Value accumulated.
    • Threshold states the limit the incident value can accrue to in order to qualify for the level.
    • Days states the duration in which the Threshold applies.
    Describes the action the supervisor must take in response to cross into a new level. No Action is used to suppress notices and processing requirements. Any other value is displayed in prompts messages, emails, reminders and on the Absence Summary History table.
    When this parameter is set to Yes, supervisor and administrator profiles that are authorized for the employee’s Work Group with the field Receive Disciplinary Notices set to Yes receive an email of the Disciplinary Notice and an email when the supervisor receives a processing reminder prompt.
    When Generate Incident Notices and Process Notices are set to Yes and the Reminder fields is set to a value other than None, the supervisor is prompted with a message, when a threshold that requires processing is crossed. These are the options:
    • None: Processing is required but the supervisor receives no reminders.
    • ABS Requests: The supervisor receives a reminder prompt when changing the disposition of an employee's absence request.
    • Hours Processing: The supervisor receives a reminder prompt when processing the employee’s hours.
    • Both: The supervisor receives prompts at Absence Request and Hours Processing.

      After the incident is set to Complete status on the Employee Absence Tracking form, then the reminder for the level is suppressed.

    This field displays the text in emails and reminders for the specific level.
  11. Click Save.
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