Creating Absence Codes

To create absence codes, use the Absences form.

To create a new absence code:

  1. Open the Absences form.
  2. Specify an absence code and a brief description.
  3. In the General section, specify this information:
    Select this check box to make this absence code available for employees to select.
    Absence Type
    Specify the absence type that most closely matches the purpose of the absence (Generic, Vacation, Holiday, or Sick, Incident or NoCallNoShow).
    Paid Absence
    If the employee is to be paid for this absence type, select this option.
    Overtime Eligible
    If the absence hours count toward the overtime threshold, select this option.
    Premium Method
    Specify Not Allowed to apply no premium to absence hours, Shift Premium to apply the premium that is specified for the selected shift, or Premium Code to apply the premium specified in the Premium Code list.
    Premium Code
    Specify the premium absence hours will earn if premiums are allowed for this absence code. This list contains all premiums defined on the Premiums Codes form.
    Approval Required
    Select this check box to require approval for this absence code.
  4. In the Advanced section, specify this information:
    ERP Task Code
    Specify the code under which absence hours will post to ERP. If you do not enter an ERP task code value, absence hours will not post to ERP.
    Payroll Code
    The default value is the same as the Absence Code value. The Payroll Code value will be associated with these absence hours in the payroll extract. Optionally, enter a different Payroll Code value if these absence hours should be associated with a different code in the payroll extract.
  5. In the Tracking section, specify this information:
    Select to track transaction records and accrual rates and limits.
    Carry Forward
    This field is only available if Tracked is selected. Select to allow unused hours to be carried into the next year.
    Carry Forward Absence Code
    This field is only available if Allow Carry Forward is selected. Specify the absence code to use for hours carried into the next year.
  6. Click Select Color to specify a color format for displaying absence hours in the Calendar form.
  7. Specify a foreground (text) color and a background color and view the result in the Sample field.
  8. The Point System section is used by the Attendance Points System to assign incident values to absence codes.
    Note: This section is only enabled if the Absence Type field is set to Incident or NoCallNoShow.

    In the Point System section, specify this information:

    Incident Value
    When a full incident is incurred, the value entered here is the amount the employee’s Total Incident Balance is incremented by.
    Partial Incident Value
    When a partial incident is incurred, the value entered here is the amount the employee’s Total Incident Balance is incremented by.
    Partial Incident Duration
    This parameter set the duration limit of a partial incident. Absence hours less than this parameter applies partial incident values and Absence hours greater than this parameter applies full incident values.
    Continuous Request
    If this check box is selected, and an Incident ABS Type is requested through the Absence Request System, then the entire request is counted as one incident. Consequently, only one Incident Table Record is created for the duration of the request. If this check box is cleared each report date in the request is considered as a separate incident. Consequently, an Incident Table Record is created for each report date.
    • The Continuous Request parameter is not applied when Absence hours for an Incident or NCNS ABS Type is created on the Hours Summary or Hours Detail form using the A icon. Regardless of the setting each report date will generate a separate incident. Similarly, Absence hours for Incident or NCNS ABS Types created using the Planned Absence form linked to the Hours Summary form will treat each report date as a separate incident.
    • The Continuous Request parameter will be applied to Absence hours for Incident or NCNS ABS Types created on the Hours Detail form using the Planned Absence form or on the Planned Absence form in stand-alone mode.
  9. Click Save and Exit.
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