Viewing Records on the Hours Summary Form
- To open the Hours Summary form, click Hours Summary or Supervisor Dashboard. The form shows records that match the default selection criteria. The only field you can edit is the Remarks field. This form's primary purpose is to provide planned and actual time and attendance information.
Specify selection criteria. Initially, no default preferences are set. You can configure a preferred combination of selection
criteria, then click Save Selections to save these criteria as the default. Alternative selections can be saved under other names and retrieved using Restore Selections. Use these parameters to define selection criteria:
- Date Preference: This field sets the date range for the selection. The most common preferences are Show Today's Records, Show Yesterday's Records, Show Records for Yesterday and Today, Work Week, and Date Range.
- Report Date: The starting and ending values are automatically specified based on your Date Preference selection. You can adjust these manually, or use the Date Preference arrows to show the previous or subsequent reporting period.
- From - To Ranges: You can specify a range of employees, employee types, work groups, departments, and/or shifts. Leave a field blank to show all available records of that type.
Filters: This
set of options allows you to include or exclude a record based on its
status or type.
- Not Signed by Employee
- If this check box is selected, records that meet other selection and filter criteria and that are not signed by the employee are displayed.
Records that match your specified selection criteria are displayed in the bottom grid. This information is always displayed:
- Status: shows A for Absent, B for Booking Error, C for Working, X for Exception, or H for Holiday.
- Report date
- Employee number
- Employee name
- Work group
- Department
- Employee type
To view additional data fields, click Attendance, OT Eligible Hours, Not OT Eligible Hours, Status, or Show All :
- Attendance is the default view. It shows shift and shift pattern, clock-in and clock-out times, scheduled shift start and end times, default start and end times, and error code (if applicable).
- OT Eligible Hours shows hours that count toward the overtime threshold. It shows regular, overtime, and double-time hours, overtime and double-time hours before the shift, hours clocked on a holiday, absence hours (holiday, vacation, and other), and total paid hours.
- Not OT Eligible Hours shows unpaid hours, hours clocked on holiday, absence hours (holiday, vacation, and other), and total paid hours that do not count toward the overtime threshold.
- Status shows data pertaining to the approval status of each record. It shows the Approved By ID and time, the Processed By ID and time, and remarks.
- Show All shows all available data fields.
Note: Any numbers displayed in red have been adjusted from their original values.
Parent topic: Overviews and Procedures
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