Viewing Records on the Hours Detail Form

  1. To open the Hours Detail form, click Hours Detail or Supervisor Dashboard Details. You also can open Hours Detail as a linked form by right-clicking a record on the Hours Summary form and selecting Hours Detail.
  2. Select a record from the list at the left. Header information, such as the employee number, employee name, and report date fill based on the record you selected. Alternatively, you can specify header information manually, then click Filter in Place to show available records.
    You cannot save selection criteria for the Supervisor Dashboard Detail form.
  3. TheJob Hours area shows hours as regular, overtime, double time, overtime before shift, double time before shift, not eligible for overtime, and unpaid. Within each category, hours are tallied as clocked, clocked on a holiday, clocked on a holiday but not eligible for overtime, or absent, along with total hours. The Current field shows hours for the selected record, while the Total shows all hours for the selected report date.
  4. Transaction details are displayed in the bottom grid. To view additional data fields, click Job Details, Quantities, Remarks, or Show All:
    • Job Details shows the task code, work center, machine, project number, and team ID.
    • Quantities shows completed quantity, rejected quantity, moved quantity, and a reason field. Quantities can be entered here only if their previous value was zero. Once entered, you must open the Transaction form to edit quantity fields.
    • Remarks shows the name and date of the user who approved and processed each record, along with any remarks associated with approval or processing.
      When an Employee User Profile is logged in, clicking the Approve icon on the Icon ribbon specifies the username and time stamp of the employee in the Employee Signed fields. When a Supervisor profile is logged in, the Approve icon specifies the Supervisor's username and time stamp in the Approved fields.
    • Show All shows all available data fields.
    Note:  Any numbers displayed in red have been adjusted from their original values.
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