Starting Jobs Using the Real Time Transaction Entry Form

  1. Open the Real Time Transaction Entry form.
  2. Select the  order type.
  3. If the order type is Production Order, Service Order, or Setup, specify the order number, suffix, and operation.
  4. If applicable, specify a machine ratio. The machine ratio determines what portion of the reported labor time will be reported for the machine. For example, a ratio of .5  will report half the reported labor time for the machine. You are also able to set a machine ratio when you stop the job.
  5. If the order type is Indirect Task, specify the task code.
  6. If the order type is Project, specify the project number, task, and cost code.
    • If the Operation is a Machine operation and if the combine labor and machine check box is selected for the employee type, the Machine field is displayed on the RealtimeTransactionEntry.TS and the Dashboard Transaction forms.
      • If the Operation is not a Machine operation or if the combine labor and machine check box is cleared, machine related records are not created and the Machine fieldis not displayed on the RealtimeTransactionEntry.TS, Dashboard Transaction or Machine Time Entry forms.
  7. In the Next Operation field user can specify the next operation number.
    • However, if the Out Of Sequence is cleared in the Employee Types Form, the Next Operation field displays the next operation in sequence.
    • If the Out Of Sequence is selected in the Employee Types Form, user can enter the available operations number from the list of the Next Operation field.

      After selecting an out of sequence operation a validation is performed to view if the operation is still open. If the selected operation is marked complete, user can stop the job. A message that indicates the selected operation is complete is displayed. When the message is cleared, application restores the default Next Operation value.

  8. Click Start Job. The RealtimeTransactionEntry.TS form closes and returns user to the Employee Home Page.
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