Viewing Timesheet Detail
- Open the TimeSheet Detail form by clicking Detail on the Timesheet Summary form.
- Specify your employee number and a date for which to view time records, if you did not already specify these values on the Timesheet Summary form. Time records details for the specified date are displayed.
Select Sign Hours to initiate the signing hour process. Employee can select
multiple dates. All checkboxes can be selected by clicking the Select all Icon. If
the report date is not ready for signing or already processed, the checkbox is not
displayed. The first seven columns displays order information:
- Order Type
- Order Number-Suffix
- Oper Num
- Description
- Task/ABS
- WorkCenter
- Machine
- The last eight column displays hours and hours type information for a week’s period.
The following information can be viewed:
- Order#-Suffix
- In Syteline integrations this field combines the Order and Suffix with a hyphen ("-").
- Task/ABS
- Displays the task from the routing, for direct order types. Displays the code abs or indirect task code for abs and indirect hours.
- HLT Code
- Displays the hours type of the hours on the row.
- Totals
- Displays a total for the week for each record. This field defaults the formatting pattern from the employee's payroll schedule as HHMM (0715) or as Hours and fractions of hours (07.25).
- Report Date Column Order
- Displays the first column after the Totals column. This is the first day of the pay week.
- Daily Column Formats
- Displays the the hours format. This is determined by the setting in the Payroll schedule form. The hours displayed is based on the employee's schedule format.
On the Rows section, you can view the following:
- Records that have common Order Type, Order#, Op but multiple hours types generate a row for each hours type found.
- Also, Unpaid hours (U) and Alternate Hours (A-when applicable) are displayed
separately along with the standard Regular (R), OT (O) and DT (D) hours
- Alternate hours occur when elapsed time entry is configured for manual hours categorization. They represent paid hours in excess of the OT threshold that are deemed as regular and not OT. It is a type of Not OTE worked time. The concept is not enabled for clocked hours or elapsed configurations using automatic hours categorizations.
- The concept is extended to Not OTE ABS hours. However, Not OTE hours can also be displayed on this form with an A hours type. No Clocked hours or work hours categorized by shift rules, can have the A Hours type.
- Other than these 2 exceptions, the application should derive a record's hours type from the hours type on the Elapsed Detail or Hours Detail record.
When Process Punches is set to Y the Select All and Process icon are
Note: If the Supervisor does not have the Process privilege the icons are disabled.
- Click Print to print the screen with the signature box. The signature box appears in the Left portion of the footer.
Parent topic: Overviews and Procedures
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