Creating Teams

You can use teams to streamline employee labor activities. Using teams jobs may be started or stopped for all team members in a single transaction. In the Time Track module, use the Teams form to configure teams and to add employees to the same teams.

To create teams using the Shop Floor module in Infor Factory Track, see Creating Teams Using Shop Floor. If you have both the Shop Floor and Time Track modules implemented, you must use the Team Maintenance form in Shop Floor to create teams. Teams created using Time Track are not compatible with Shop Floor.

  1. Open the Teams form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify a team number.
    Optionally, specify a description for the team.
    Badge ID
    Optionally, specify a badge ID for the team.
    Select to allow the team to start and stop jobs and to allow employees to join or leave the team.
    Workset Enabled
    Select to allow the team to work on worksets, which include multiple jobs. Clear to only allow the team to work on one job at a time.
    Labor Proration
    Specify the method used to prorate the Team time.
    Note: Before you specify this method, you must select the Workset Enabled check box.
    Machine Proration
    Specify the method used to prorate the Team time.
    Note: Before you specify this method, you must select the Workset Enabled check box.
    Remove Member At Clock Out
    Select to remove employees from the team when they clock out.
    Combine Labor and Machine Time
    Select to report machine time automatically as a ratio of labor time. Clear to report machine time manually.
    Stop Only Transaction
    Select to only require jobs to be stopped. When a job is stopped, a job start transaction will automatically be generated to occur immediately following the most recent transaction. For example, if you clock in at 8:00 and stop job ABC at 9:00, a start job transaction for job ABC will be generated at 8:00. Then, if you stop job XYZ at 11:00, a start job transaction for job XYZ will be generated at 9:00. Clocking out will automatically stop the current job.
  3. Click Save.
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