MMEMBER.CNAME displays the captions of multiple elements. You select the elements in the Select Element dialog.

To open the Select Element dialog, double-click the cell which contains the formula.

MEMBER.CNAME and MMEMBER.CNAME formulas are used to return values when an ad-hoc report is converted to a formula report. Which formula is used depends on whether a single element, or multiple elements were selected from the dimension in the ad-hoc report.

See Converting an Ad-hoc report

To select multiple elements click Multiple Selection in the toolbar of the Select Elements dialog.

See Choosing slice elements in Formula and Ad-hoc reports.

The elements which you select are added to an array. The array can be stored in the formula, or in a specified cell. The array is displayed as an aggregated element with the format:[Dimension].[caption 1, caption 2...]


=MMEMBER.CNAME("Alias", "Cube", "Dimension", "Element Selection", "Aggregated Element")

The Alias and Cube arguments can be the cell references of cells which contain the alias and cube names.

The Element Selection argument can be the unique names of the elements, separated by commas, or an empty string ("").

The Aggregated Element argument can be a cell reference or an empty string. If you specify an empty string, the array is incorporated in the formula. If you specify a cell reference, the array is created in the specified cell.


This example has an element selection of two elements and specifies a cell reference for the Aggregated Element argument. That is, the array is stored in the specified cell:

=MMEMBER.CNAME("Best Practices OLAP","Sales","[PRODUCT]","[Product].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer],[Product].[All Tires].[Car Tires Winter]",$D$2)

Note: Initially, the formula displays #REF in the cell.
  1. Double-click #REF.
  2. Click Multiple Selection in the tool bar of the Select Element dialog.
  3. Select Summer Tires and Winter Tires click OK.
  4. The cell which contains the formula displays Summer Tires, Winter Tires.
  5. Cell D2 displays [Product].[Summer Tires,Winter Tires]
If you select further elements, they are added to the array in D2 and to the formula. For example, if you open the Select Element dialog and select Van Tires:
  • Cell D2 displays Summer Tires, Winter Tires, Van Tires.
  • The formula displays:=MMEMBER.CNAME("Best Practices OLAP","Sales","[PRODUCT]","[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer],[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Winter],[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Commercial (Van Tires)]",$D$2)

This example specifies an empty string as the value of the Aggregated Element argument. That is, the array is stored within the formula:

=MMEMBER.CNAME("Best Practices OLAP","Sales","[PRODUCT]","[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer],[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Winter]","")

As you select elements in the Select Element dialog, they are added to the array in the formula. For example, if you select Summer Tires, Winter Tires and SUV (4x4) Tires, the formula displays:

=MMEMBER.CNAME("Best Practices OLAP","Sales","[PRODUCT]","[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer],[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Winter],[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[SUV (4x4)]","[PRODUCT].[Summer Tires,Winter Tires,SUV(4x4) Tires]")

This example uses an empty string as the value of the Element Selection argument:


The cell displays #REF.

If you select Summer Tires and Winter Tires in the Select Element dialog:

  • Cell D2 displays [Product].[Summer Tires,Winter Tires]
  • The formula displays: =MMEMBER.CNAME($B$4,$B$5,"[PRODUCT]","[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer],[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires Winter]",$D$2)
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