Get values from a cube using CELL.GET.


=CELL.GET(Alias,Cube,Memb 1,Memb 2, ...,)


Argument Description Example
Alias Name of the database alias Best Practices OLAP
Cube Name of the cube [Sales]
Memb 1,

Memb 2...




Note: The default element is used if you do not select an element for a dimension.


To get the value from the Direct Sales cube of AdventureWorks:

=CELL.GET("AdventureWorks","Direct Sales","[Fiscal].[Fiscal Quarter].&[2008]&[4]","[Measures].[Internet Gross Profit]")

The profit ([Measures].[Internet Gross Profit]) is returned for the fourth quarter of 2008 ([Fiscal].[Fiscal Quarter].&[2008]&[4]). The default element is used for all other dimensions because no additional elements have been specified for these dimensions.

Note: When you change the value of the cell that contains the CELL.GET formula, the value is written back to the database.
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