MEMBER.MNAME displays the default name of a selected element. You select the element in the Select Elements dialog.

Elements have a unique name, default name and caption. For example, the Product dimension in the Best Practices OLAP database supplied with Office Plus, has an element with the unique name [Product].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer]. The default name of this element is Car Tires Summer. Its caption is Summer Tires.

MEMBER.CNAME to return the caption of an element.

To open the Select Elements dialog, double-click the cell which contains the formula.



The Element argument can be a unique name or an empty string (""). If you specify an empty string, the formula returns the default name of the default element.


This example displays Car Tires Summer, the default element of the [Product].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer] element:

=MEMBER.MNAME("Best Practices OLAP","Sales","[product]","[Product].[All Tires].[Car Tires Summer]")

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