Returns information about a specified cube.


TABLE.GET.INFO(Database alias,Cube,ID)

ID is one of these information codes:
ID Information
1 Name of the cube.
2 Long name/description of the cube
3 Name of the user who changed the cube the last
4 Type of cube 83 = ‘S’ -> System, 85 = ‘U’ -> User, 86 = ‘V’ -> Virtual Cube (MS OLAP), 65 = ‘A’ -> Cube Access Control, 68 = ‘D’ -> Dimension Access Control
5 Number of dimensions
11 Name of Dimension 1 in cube
12 Name of Dimension 2 in cube
13 Name of Dimension 3 in cube
14 Name of Dimension 4 in cube
15 Name of Dimension 5 in cube
23 Number of roles used on the server (this is the size of the #_GRP_dimension)
30 Name of Dimension 20 in cube
50 Cube uses access control? 89=Yes, 78=No
51 Returns the name or ID from the license used on the server
53 Has the cube been changed since last saved to disk? 89=Yes, 78=No
54 Time of the last update to the cube.
Note: The flag is NOT set for cubes created prior v3.1. The time stamp is the amount of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970 00:00. To calculate the Microsoft Excel time use the following formula: =DATE(70;1;1)+TableGetInfo(...,62)/(3600*24) + delta/24 where delta is the difference amount of hours to the GMT
55 Number of calculated values
56 Number of base values
58 Number of local rules
59 Carry out this cube transaction? 89=Yes, 78=No
60 Is this cube in the memory? 89=Yes, 78=No
62 Time of the last update to the cube.
Note: The flag is NOT set for cubes created prior v3.1. The time stamp is the amount of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970 00:00. To calculate the Excel time use the following formula: =DATE(70;1;1)+TableGetInfo(...,62)/(3600*24) + delta/24 where delta is the difference amount of hours to the GMT
63 Approximate size of consumed memory. This function returns LONG. That is, it is suitable for tables smaller than 2GB. For larger tables, use ID 75.
71 Returns the measure dimension of a cube.
73 The function returns TRUE if the currently connected user has data access permissions for the specified cube, and FALSE if the user does not have any permissions
75 Approximate size of consumed memory