DBSET is a variant of DBGET. It takes a cell value and sends it to a specified address in an OLAP Server cube. It sends string values to string cells and numerical values to numerical cells.

DBSET - Alea Writeback formula

DBSET is a variant of DBGET. It takes a cell value and sends it to a specified address in an OLAP Server cube. It sends string values to string cells and numerical values to numerical cells.

Note: In a query-based formula report the settings for non-immediate write-back do not work correctly when you use DBSet or Cell.Write in an Infor BI O+ formula.
  • DBSet: Writes the value directly into the OLAP DB
  • Cell.Write: When entering the value, the icons are inactive. If you close or save the formula report, the non-immediate write-back dialog appears. Saving the value in the report leads to an error when you close and reopen the report and try to save.


DBSET(Value,Database alias,Cube,Element1,.....Elementn)

You must specify one element from each dimension in the cube. Element1 must be from the first dimension, Element2 must be from the second and so on i.e. the sequence of the elements must reflect the sequence with which the dimensions for the cube were defined.

You can delete a value from the cube by sending the value NA as follows:

=DBSET(NA(),"Best Practices OLAP","Status","Dec 2008","Actual","IFRS","Total Group","Start")

Or, you can delete it by pressing <Ctrl>+<Del>. To delete the value from the cell but not the cube, press <Del>.

Common usage of DBSET

The DBSET formula can be used as any other worksheet formula. It can be copied or moved to different cells without losing its link to the cube. It is most commonly used in importing data, from text files or from worksheets that were created before OLAP Server and whose values should now be sent to a cube.

Using cell references in DBSET formulas

With the exception of the first, arguments to DBSET must be strings or references to cells containing strings. Strings, must be enclosed in quotes. Usually, DBSET is written with cell references as its arguments.

DBSET functions can be difficult to write so OLAP Server provides help with creating them.

See Formula wizard.

Note: If you use DBSET to send a value to a cube cell with an address defined by at least one consolidated element, the DBSET formula returns a #NUMBER error. If one of the elements is not a member of the dimension specified, DBSET formula returns a #Value error.

There are two variants on the DBSET formula which optimize the speed with which a worksheet retrieves data from the OLAP Server cube.

These are the two variants: