This function converts captions to unique element names. Formulas in Office Plus operate on the unique names of elements. But users might have no knowledge of unique names. CA2UN provides a method by which element captions which users select or enter are converted to unique names and can be used in formulas.

Note: Captions are not unique within dimensions. For example, in a Time dimension, the caption January is in every year. If captions are not unique, CA2UN returns the unique name of the first occurrence of the caption.

CA2UN is not available with Infor CPM Relational Provider database aliases which use the DSConnector driver.


=CA2UN(Alias,Cube, Hierarchy1, Element 1, Hierarchy 2, Element 2, ...Hierarchy N, Element N")

Arguments to this function can be strings, or references to cells containing strings. If strings, they must be enclosed in quotes.



Cell B2 contains the 'Best Practices OLAP' database alias.

Cell B3 contains 'Sales', a cube of the Best Practices sample database.

In cell F4, users are prompted to enter a product name (for example, SUV80 Scorpion).

In cell B4, the CA2UN formula =CA2UN(B2,B3,"[Product]",F4) converts the entered location to its unique name. For example:

[Product].[All Tires].[SUV (4x4)].[SUV80 Scorpion]

CA2UN can be used within any formula which requires the arguments Alias, Cube and Element. For example, in CELL.GETC:
Note: The NA2UN formula has the same syntax as CA2UN but is used to return unique names from element names instead of element captions.
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