Get an element from a set with the MDX.SET.PICK formula. The element is displayed with its caption. You can define the set with an MDX statement in the formula, or refer to an existing set.

To select an element, double-click the formula in the formula view. The Select Element dialog displays the set.


=MDX.SET.PICK(Alias,Cube,Query,Element Choice)


This table describes the arguments of the function:

Argument Description Example
Alias Name of the database alias. Foodmart 2008
Cube Name of the cube. [Sales]
Query MDX expression that defines the set, or the name of the set. [Time].[1997].CHILDREN
Element choice Unique name of the displayed element. [Time].[1997].[Q1]


In this example you define a set using the MDX statement CHILDREN MDX:

=MDX.SET.PICK("FoodMart 2008","Sales","[Time].[1997].CHILDREN", "[Time].[1997].[Q1]")

Here, CHILDREN gets all children of [Time].[1997].
Query Explanation Set


This set contains all descendants of [1997] in the dimension [Time]. [1997].[Q1],




You can double-click this formula and select elements in the Select Element dialog. You cannot drill down to elements that are not in the set.


Define a set using the MDX function TopCount.

=MDX.SET.PICK("Foodmart 2008","Sales","TopCount([Product].[All Products].Children,2,"[Unit Sales]")","[Product].[All Products].[Drink]")
Query Explanation
	 [All Products].children,2,[unit sales]) 
This function selects the two elements with the highest sales figures ([Unit Sales]) from all descendants of [Product].[AllProducts].

You can double-click this formula and select from these elements in the Select Element dialog. You cannot drill down to elements that are not contained in the set.

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