Add Elements to a Set or Delete Elements From a Set.

Use DC.MEMBER to specify an element to be added to, or deleted from, a set. When you double-click the formula, the element is added. To delete the element from the set, double-click the formula again.

The DC.MEMBER formula, together with the MDX.EXECUTE formula and the MDX function DRILLDOWNMEMBER, generates a drill down.


=DC.MEMBER(Title,Alias,Cube,Set,Element Choice)


Argument Description Example
Title Title of the cell where the formula is entered. May 2008
Alias Name of the database alias. Foodmart 2008
Cube Name of the cube. [Sales]
Set Name of the set, to which to add the element. Setname
Element Choice Unique name of the element to be added or deleted [Time].[2008][Q2].[5]


This example adds the element [Time].[1997].[Q2].[5] to the 'Example' set.

=DC.MEMBER("May 2008","FoodMart 2008","Sales","Example","[Time].[2008].[Q2].[5]")

The cell that contains the formula displays the title 'May 2008'. Double-click the formula to add the [Time].[2008].[Q2].[5] element to the 'Example' set. Double-click again to delete the element from the set.