This function returns the attribute of the nth element of an attribute table of a dimension. Double-clicking the function opens the Dimension Browser containing the activated attribute settings.


AT.HEAD(Database alias,Dimension,Attr_Tab_Id,Field,Element)

Dimension is the name of the dimension to be shown in the Dimension Browser following a double-click. Attr_Tab_Id is the number of the attribute table to be investigated. Field is the attribute field and Element is the element for which the corresponding attribute is to be returned.

The first and last two arguments must contain strings or cell references referring to strings. Strings, must be enclosed in quotes. The Attr_Tab_Id argument must be a number from 1 to 3 or a reference to a cell containing a number from 1 to 3.


The Product dimension of the Best Practices sample database has two attribute tables. The second table holds has a field called German, which holds the name each product in German. This formula returns Ganzjahresreifen, the German translation of Car Tires All Season:

=AT.HEAD("Best Practices OLAP","Product",2,"German","Car Tires All Season")