This function returns the attribute for a specified element in a field of an attribute table.


AT.GET(Database alias,Dimension,Attr_Tab_Id,Element,Field)

Attr_Tab_Id is the number of the attribute table being examined (either 1, 2 or 3), Element is the element whose attribute you want to display and Field is the name of the field whose contents are being requested.


The Account dimension on the Best Practices sample database has two attribute tables.

This function returns Key Performance Indicators, the name of the KPI element:

=AT.GET("Best Practices OLAP","Account",1,"KPI","Name")

The first two and last two arguments for this function can be strings or references to cells containing strings. Strings must be enclosed in quotes. The Attr_Tab_Id argument must be a number from 1 to 3 or a reference to a cell containing a number from 1 to 3.

Note: Data entry: If you enter a number in a cell containing an AT.GET formula, you will not overwrite the formula, but the value will be sent to the attribute field specified by the formula.