This function places information in a specified field in an attribute table. To use this function, you must have Write permissions.


AT.SET(Value,Database alias,Dimension,Attr_Tab_Id,Element,Field)

Where Value is the text or number being sent to the attribute table, Dimension is the name of the dimension for which the attribute tables have been defined, Attr_Tab_Id is the number of the attribute table being examined (1, 2 or 3), Element is the element to whose attribute you want to assign the value and Field is the name of the field whose contents are being updated.


The Account dimension on the Best Practices OLAP database has a Name field in the first attribute table. The name of the IFRS element is IFRS. This function changes the name to "International Financial Reporting Standards" :

AT.SET ("International Financial Reporting Standards","Best Practices OLAP","Account",1,"IFRS","Name")

The first argument must be of the same type as the field you are updating (i.e. String, Numerical, Logical, or Date). The next two and last two arguments for this function may be strings or references to cells containing strings. Strings, must be enclosed in quotes. The Attr_Tab_Id argument must be a number from 1 to 3 or a reference to a cell containing a number from 1 to 3.

Note: Attribute tables consist only of strings and the corresponding Microsoft Excel format is used when importing data from Excel cells to an attribute table.