Returns the name of an element of a subset. If you double-click a cell containing this function, the Dimension Browser opens and you can select an element from the subset. The function will then return the selected element and change the specified index number to the name of the element.

If you enter an element name on top of this function, the function is not overwritten but takes the name of the element you entered. If the element you typed is not in the subset specified, the function returns a #Value error.


SE.NAME(Database alias,Dimension,Subset,Index)

Subset is the subset from which you want to get an element and Index is the number of the element within the subset sequence.

The Profit dimension of the Best Practices sample database has a subset called Monetary. This formula returns "Change in Inventory" which is the subset element which has an index of 1.

SE.INDEX("Best Practices OLAP","Profit","Monetary",1)

The first three arguments can be strings, or references to cells containing strings. If strings, they must be enclosed in quotes. The last argument must be a number or reference to a cell containing a number. But, if you use cell reference as the last argument, the double-click functionality is disabled.

If you enter an index number that is greater than the total number of elements within the subset, the function returns a #Value error.