Performing Project Material Issue (Shop floor transaction)

User can perform project material issue from shop floor module or touch screen using the Project Material Issue form.
  1. Select Project Material Issue form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Allows user to scan or enter a valid active project.
    Allows user to select active task that belongs to the selected project.
    By Container
    This field is enabled only if the container in use is selected in the Global Parameter form.
    This field is enabled, only if the By Container check box is selected. Allows to select a valid container from the drop down list.
    • If the Allow new item issue with container is cleared in the Transaction Parameter, the application checks, if all container items are part of project task kit is avoided.
    • After selecting valid container both warehouse and location fields are populated with container warehouse and location.
    Allows user to select a valid project task kit item or to issue a new item.
    Cost Code
    The cost code is defaulted from item master but allows user to change a valid cost code.
    Specifies the user's default warehouse.
    Specify the location from the list of valid inventory stock room locations for the selected item.
  3. 3. The Lot/Serial tab is enabled if the issued item is a serial or lot tracked. On the Lot/Serial, specify the following:
    Allows user to select a valid lot from the inventory stock room record.
    S/Ns (Serial)
    The S/N field is only enabled if the item is a serial controlled one. The forward buttonbutton allows user to select serial until Un-Assigned qty defaults to 0.
  4. 4. Click Process post the transaction.
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