Processing Project Material Issue

Use the Project material issue form to perform the Syteline project resource transaction (material). This transaction works like job material issue transaction in factory track.

The warehouse mobility icon based menu and list based menu comprises of the Make It. Project Material Issue is listed as a transaction under the Make It.

On the Make It module:

  1. Select Project Material Issue.
  2. In the Warehouse field, the default user warehouse is specified. It is a mandatory field on the screen.
  3. Specify this information:
    User can select from the list of all active projects. This is a mandatory field.
    Allows user to scan or input a valid active task that belongs to the project being selected in previous field. This is an optional field.
    User can specify the type of action from the list.
    • The Normal option selected is always added to the list and defaulted on the transaction screen.
    • The New Item option is available only if the Allow New item issue , is selected in the transaction parameter form.
    • The Container option is available only if the Conatiners Containers in use, is selected in the global parameter form
    Allows user to scan or input a valid project resource of type Material based in the project and task being selected.
  4. 5. Select Next.
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