Receiving Items from Purchase Orders

Use the Purchase Order Receipt transaction to receive items from purchase orders.

The warehouse mobility icon based menu and list based menu comprises of the Get It. Purchase Order Receipt is listed as a transaction under the Get It module.

On the Get It module:

  1. Select Purchase Order Receipt.  The Purchase Order Receipt screen is displayed.
  2. In the Receipt Type field, specify whether to use a purchase order number or GRN number.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the warehouse at which to receive the items. Your warehouse might be displayed by default.
    PO #
    Scan a purchase order number. This field is only displayed if you selected PO in the Receipt Type field.
    This field is only displayed if you selected PO in the Receipt Type field and the Receive by Line parameter is cleared for this transaction. Optionally, scan the item you are receiving. Leave blank to select from a list of items on the purchase order.
    This field is only displayed if you selected PO in the Receipt Type field and the Receive by Line parameter is selected for this transaction. Optionally, specify the line you are receiving. Leave blank to select from a list of lines on the purchase order.
    Specify a vendor. This field is only displayed if you selected GRN in the Receipt Type field.
    GRN #
    Scan a GRN number. This field is only displayed if you selected GRN in the Receipt Type field.
    GRN Line #
    This field is only displayed if you selected GRN in the Receipt Type field and the Receive by Line parameter is selected for this transaction. Optionally, specify the line you are receiving. Leave blank to select from a list of GRN lines.
  4. Select Next. If there are multiple items or lines on the purchase order or GRN number and you did not specify an item or line, a list of items or lines is displayed. Select the item or line to receive. The purchase order or GRN number, item information, warehouse, and required quantity are displayed.
  5. Specify this information:
    If applicable, select a put away location. If Combine Putaway is cleared for this transaction, this field is read only.
    If applicable, scan the lot number or leave blank to automatically generate a number.
    Specify the quantity to receive.
    To Container
    This field is only displayed if you are using containers at your site. To receive the items into a container, select Yes.
    This field is only displayed if you select Yes in the To Container field. Scan or select a container number.
  6. Select Receive.
  7. If the item is serial-controlled, you are prompted to scan serial numbers for the items. Optionally, to automatically generate serial numbers, select Yes in the Generate field. To manually specify serial numbers, scan or select a serial number in the Serial field for each item. The total quantity of serial numbers to scan is displayed. The Scanned field shows how many serial numbers you have scanned. When you have scanned the required quantity of serial numbers, click Process. Optionally, select Show List to view a list of available serial numbers, or select Clear List to clear all scanned serial numbers.
  8. If you are receiving a cross-referenced job and the Cross Reference for Job Order parameter is selected, you are prompted to allocate received items to the cross-referenced order. If you respond Yes to this prompt, the Job Material Issue transaction is opened, and the cross-referenced job information is displayed. To issue the items to the cross-referenced job, select Process.
  9. If the transaction is configured to automatically print labels, the labels are printed. If the transaction is configured to manually print labels, the Label Printing screen is displayed. Specify this information:
    Select a printer.
    Label Per Box
    Specify the number of labels to print for each box.
    Qty Remaining
    The number of remaining labels to be printed is displayed.
    No of Boxes
    Specify the number of boxes for which to print labels.
    Qty Per Box
    Specify how many items are in each box.
  10. When the quantity of remaining labels to print is zero, select Print to print the labels. Optionally, select Clear Labels to clear the No of Boxes and Qty Per Box fields.
  11. If there are still items to receive on the order, the items or lines list is displayed. To receive additional items for this order, select an item or line.
  12. If the Allow Cross-Docking parameter is selected for this transaction, this order is not cross-referenced to another order, and there are open cross docking requirements, you asked whether to cross dock. For instructions on cross docking, see Cross Docking Items.
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