The Marketo Synchronization Maps tab

Use this tab to view the default mappings defined for the entities such as Lead, Contact, Campaign and Account. You can customize some of these mappings to fit the organizational requirements.

Note:  Only the users with the Administrator role can access this tab.

To view the Marketo Synchronization tab:

  1. Select Integration > Integrations. The Integrations List view is displayed.
  2. Click Marketo. The Marketo Synchronization Maps tab is displayed in the Marketo Integration Detail view. You can view this information on the tab:
    Map Name
    The name of the map used to define the field mappings.
    Indicates if the map is enabled.
    Infor CRM Entity
    The name of the Infor CRM entity, that is used to create the mapping.
    Marketo Endpoint
    The name of the entity in Marketo, that is used to create the mapping.
    Run Schedule
    The frequency of the data synchronization for a specific map.
  3. Click + to add a new map. The Insert New Entity Map window is displayed wherein you can specify the information.