Mail Merge

You can use Mail Merge when you need to correspond with a group of contacts, accounts, opportunities, or leads. Mail Merge helps you simplify the process of sending the same information to numerous people by merging information into a template. You can merge to a file, send an email, send a fax, or print the merged document.

  • If the Write menu is unavailable, you must download Infor CRM Office Integration. You can install Infor CRM Office Integration from the Web Client login screen.

  • If the template you select for the merge has a Table of Contents that contains Word merge fields, the fields cannot merge correctly. It is recommended that you use the Edit Individual <document> prior to sending feature and create the Table of Contents after the merge is complete.
  • When selecting an output option on the Merge Options tab, only available options appear in the selection. For example, if you have not configured an email system, then email is not displayed as an available output option.
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