Proposed PO Management Edit page

Use the Proposed PO Management Edit page to view and edit the proposed purchase order.

Proposed Purchase Order (PPO) Header table:
Code representing the dock at the shipment destination (Ship To).
The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
The name of the destination that is issuing a demand.
Ship To
The name of the destination to which the parts are shipped.
Deliver Name
The name of the final delivery destination.
Proposed PO Number
The Proposed Purchase Order number associated with the requirement.
Proposed PO Date
The date the Proposed Purchase Order is created.
PO Number
The Purchase Order number associated with the requirements.
Buyer Contact
The name of the customer contact (planner) associated with the Proposed Purchase Order.
Proposed PO tab:
Release Number
The number associated with the file in which the purchase order is published.
Generation Date
The date field used to indicate the date the Proposed PO was generated, if different from the Proposed PO date.
Contact Email
The email ID of the customer contact.
Contact Phone Number
The telephone number at which the customer contact can be reached.
Method of Payment
The payment terms for the charges associated with the Proposed PO.
Terms of Sale
The terms and conditions of the sale.
The currency in which the payment is made.
Order Number
The Purchase Order number associated with the requirements.
Tax ID
The number assigned to a company by a tax jurisdiction (state, county, etc.). This number can be the same as the Tax Exempt ID number.
Tax Exempt
The Yes/No Indicates if the tax is exempt for the customer.
Tax Exempt ID
The number assigned to a customer by the tax jurisdiction (state, county, etc.) to avail the tax exemption. This number can be the same as the Tax ID number.
State Tax (%)
The tax percentage levied by the state's tax jurisdiction. If a value is entered, it must be a valid number between zero and 100, inclusive.
City Tax (%)
The tax percentage levied by the city's tax jurisdiction. If a value is entered, it must be a valid number between zero and 100, inclusive.
Country Tax (%)
The tax percentage levied by the country's tax jurisdiction.  If a value is entered, it must be a valid number between zero and 100, inclusive.
Line Item Detail table:
An identifying reference number for this line item.
The status of the line item.
Customer Part
The part number defined by the customer.
Supplier Part
The part number defined by the supplier.
Required Date
The date the parts are required.
The number of parts ordered by the customer.
U of M
The unit of measure for the ordered quantity; for example, by individual unit, hundreds, thousands, foot, yards, gallons, pair so on. The commonly used abbreviations for the various unit of measure are EA (each), PC (piece), HU (hundreds), and TH (thousands).
Unit Price
The Price defined for the specified unit of measure.
Ext. Price
The total price of the purchase order line item. Extended price = unit price x ordered quantity. This data can be sent by the customer or can be calculated by the system.