Premium freight
The Premium Freight module provides a way for customers to initiate, track and analyze expedited shipments. Through the module, customers authorize shipments and suppliers ship against the authorizations. Customers can view premium freight trends and costs through customized Supplier Exchange reports. PDF reports can be created.
Before using the premium freight module, carrier and reason codes must be defined. This information is used when creating an authorization for an expedited shipment.
The process for creating premium freight is:
- The customer creates a premium freight authorization, which contains details about the authorized shipment. The authorization status is open.
- The customer publishes the authorization so the supplier can view it. The authorization status is published.
- The supplier ships against the authorization, sending an ASN.
- After receiving the ASN and then the shipment, the customer updates the authorization with the actual transportation cost.
- The customer then closes the authorization to lock it. The authorization status is closed.
- After premium freight data has been created in Supplier Exchange, customers view the cost analysis and trend analysis reports.